Committee on Science and Technology
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Letters From Administration :: March 6, 2007

Response from Clay Johnson, Chairman of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency Regarding the HUD Inspector General's Investigation of the NASA Inspector General

Letter from Office of Management and Budget

The Honorable Brad Miller
Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight
Committee on Science and Technology
House of Representatives
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Chairman:

This letter is to confirm our agreement regarding information to be provided to the Subcommittee with regard to the investigation of allegations against Robert Cobb, NASA's Inspector General, that was undertaken pursuant to Executive Order 12993 (1996). Our agreement relates to all the relevant agencies, including NASA, HUD, OMB, and the PCIE/Integrity Committee.

As we discussed, this process is close to reaching a final disposition by the Integrity Committee of the President's council on Integrity and Efficiency, and we anticipate that will occur by the end of March 2007. Therefore, we will plan to provide to you on Monday, April 2, 2007, the Integrity Committee's report as well as the PCIE's letter providing the report to NASA and NASA's response to the report (subject to requisite confidentiality obligations under the Privacy Act and other laws)....

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News from the House Science and Technology Committee
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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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