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Event: 'Full Committee Oversight Field Hearing: "Oklahoma Indian Issues: Proposed Regulations Governing Economic Development"'

Full Committee Hearing
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 At 08:30:00 AM

The House Natural Resources Committee, led by Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-WV), will hold an oversight field hearing on "Oklahoma Indian Issues: Proposed Regulations Governing Economic Development."

House Natural Resources Committee
Oversight Field Hearing on "Oklahoma Indian Issues: Proposed Regulations Governing Economic Development"

Wednesday, February 20, 2008, at 8:30 a.m.

Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College
Student Ballroom
200 I Street, NE
Miami, OK

Panel 1
The Honorable Norm H. DesRosiers, Commissioner, National Indian Gaming Commission, Washington, D.C.

Panel 2
The Honorable Gregory E. Pyle, Chief, Choctaw Nation, Durant, OK
The Honorable John Berrey, Chairman, Quapaw Tribe, Quapaw, OK
The Honorable John P. Froman, Chief, Peoria Tribe of Indians, Miami, OK

Panel 3
The Honorable Chad Smith, Principle Chief, Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, OK
The Honorable Jim Gray, Principle Chief, Osage Nation, Pawhuska, OK
Mr. Brian Campbell, Administrator, Division of Commerce, Chickasaw Nation, Ada, OK
Mr. David J. Qualls, Chairman, Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association, Tecumseh, OK

Panel 4
The Honorable Larry Glenn, Representative, Oklahoma House of Representatives, Oklahoma City, OK
The Honorable Brent Brassfield, Mayor, City of Miami, Miami, OK
The Honorable Russell Earls, Commissioner, Ottawa County, Miami, OK
Mr. Brian Barger, Director, Community and Economic Development Department, Miami, OK

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