



Jack on the Floor

June 22nd, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack sponsored the Motion to Recommit on HR 2771 which would have returned the bill to the Committee on Appropriations with instructions to remove $16 million in funding for the former FDA building now known as Federal Office Building 8.  Yesterday, members were denied the chance to debate the merits of the building when the Democrat-controlled House Rules Committee refused to allow Jack’s amendment during debate on the Legislative Branch Appropriations bill.  Unfortunately for the American taxpayers, the vote failed 181-217 (click here to see how members voted).

In his remarks, Jack reminds members that there has been no debate on using this building as “swing space” during renovations to the Cannon and Longworth House Office Buildings.  He also notes the more than $140 million that has already been spent by the executive branch to clean and gut out the building.  Moreover, the total cost for the House to use the space is closer to $84 million in addition to the $12 million annually that would be paid in rent.  The building also violates the “carbon neutral” goal of Speaker Pelosi.

Perhaps the $741,000,000.00 the Democrats have authorized this week alone and the $37,347,000,000.00 they have appropriated for next year just was not enough to satisfy their tax and spend addiction.

To see a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below.