Congressman Lynn A. Westmoreland
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Westmoreland appointed to GOP whip team

Washington, Jan 9 -

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) appointed three-term Rep. Lynn Westmoreland to the Republican whip team this week after Westmoreland was sworn in to the 111th Congress.

 “It’s an honor to serve the Republican Conference in this capacity, and it gives me a seat and a greater voice at the leadership table as I work to represent and promote Georgia in the House,” Westmoreland said. “House Republicans are going through a rebuilding stage after losing significant ground over the past two election cycles. The Democrats have a huge majority and that limits our ability to stop liberal excesses in their tracks. We nevertheless have a duty to our constituents and to the nation to hold the Democrats and President Obama accountable for their actions. Our country faces extraordinary difficulties today. Republicans at times will provide a helping hand to the Democrats, but we’ll also work at times in an oversight role and other times as opponents to bad policy.”

 As a deputy whip, Westmoreland will serve as an aide and adviser to Cantor. Members of the whip encourage rank-and-file members to support the leadership position on certain votes and also relay members’ opinions and concerns to the conference’s leaders.

Cantor praised Westmoreland’s addition to the whip team.

 “This week begins our march toward a stronger future for America based on revitalized, common-sense ideals,” said Cantor. “I’m pleased that Congressman Westmoreland has joined the Republican Whip Team, the team that will act as the cornerstone of House Republican efforts to preserve, protect and create a better tomorrow for working families. This team is comprised of top leaders that will advance a positive vision for the future of our country, a vision based on accountability, transparency and action. I look forward to getting to work alongside Lynn."

 Westmoreland has also taken on new responsibilities at the National Republican Congressional Committee, the political arm of the House Republicans. Westmoreland will serve as one of five vice chairs of the NRCC. He will oversee congressional redistricting efforts in the various states, which will redraw districts for the 2012 election cycle.

 The congressman will maintain his committee assignments on Transportation and Infrastructure, House Oversight and Government Reform, and Small Business.

 “As the only Georgian on the transportation committee, this assignment is crucial to the state this year,” Westmoreland said. “We’re due for a major transportation bill this Congress and I’ll serve as the point person for all the Georgia projects. Congestion and infrastructure improvements are pressing needs in Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District, and I’m going to continue work on that those matters over the next two years.”


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