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  YOU ARE HERE>> Architect of the Capitol/Capitol Visitor Center/Weekly Summary/May 27 - 31, 2002
October 5, 2008
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United States Capitol Visitor Center
Weekly Construction Summary

Prepared by the Capitol Visitor Center Project Office, Architect of the Capitol, May 27, 2002

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This Week - Ongoing Work - 5/27/02 through 5/31/02

Temporary Visitor Screening Facility - South Side

Construction is complete and the facility will be available to receive visitors pending finalization of operational procedures. The East Front Screening Facility will be closed when the new facility opens.

Temporary Visitor Screening Facility - North Side

Construction is complete and the facility will be available to receive visitors pending finalization of operational procedures. The facility will be operational at the same time as the new Temporary Visitor Screening Facility on the south side.

Utility Work

Utility work is required in the pre-construction phase of the Capitol Visitor Center project. Utility lines will be moved in stages so that this construction work can take place at times intended to minimize disruption to traffic. Required materials are staged and will continue to be staged on the East Front grassy areas.

  1. House-side Utility Line Installation -
    1. South Barricade Entrance - CVC utility work and other AOC work continue in the eastern portion of this zone and along Southeast Drive. Pedestrian access from Independence has been established along the east and west sides of the drive lanes.
    2. House Egg - The grassy oval area or "egg" opposite the House Wing is being used to stage utility materials. In addition, excavation and utility installation continues in the egg.
  2. Senate-side Utility Line Installation -
    1. Excavation and utility installation work continues along Northeast Drive. There will be no parking on Northeast Drive until this and other AOC work is completed in this area.
    2. Utility work will continue in a zone at First Street and Maryland Avenue and at a portion of the sidewalk along Constitution Avenue. Pedestrian bypass signs have been posted to direct pedestrians to the east side of First Street NE.
    3. CVC excavation and utility installation work begins immediately east and south of the Senate steps near the Carriageway. Traffic is being rerouted slightly and vehicular access to the Carriageway will be restricted for two days during the recess.

Alternate Media Sites

CVC construction requires the temporary closure of both the Senate and House media sites within the north (swamp site) and south (Elm site) eggs, respectively. Temporary alternate sites are being established for the Senate media in Upper Senate Park near Delaware Avenue, and the House media on the northwest terrace of the Cannon Building.

  1. House Media Site - Work on the platform will begin this week on the Cannon terrace at the northwest corner of the building.
  2. Senate Media Site - Foundation work for the platform will begin next week in the southeastern quadrant of Upper Senate Park.

Construction Fencing - Installation of wood board fencing continues around the CVC project area and will be completed by early July, at which point the East Plaza will be closed to vehicular traffic. Trim and paint work on the fence also continues.

Tree Maintenance - Tree monitoring activities will continue.

Next Week - Anticipated Work - 6/3/02 through 6/7/02

Temporary Visitor Screening Facility - South Side

The facility is expected to begin receiving visitors for Capitol tours.

Temporary Visitor Screening Facility - North Side

The facility is expected to begin receiving visitors for official business and Senate Gallery tours.

Utility Work

  1. House-side Utility Line Installation -
    1. CVC utility work and other AOC work will continue in the eastern portion of this zone and along Southeast Drive.
    2. House Egg - Excavation and utility installation in this area will continue.
  2. Senate-side Utility Line Installation -
    1. CVC excavation and utility installation work will continue immediately east and south of the Senate steps near the Carriageway. Traffic has been rerouted slightly around this activity.
    2. CVC excavation and utility installation will continue along Northeast Drive. There will continue to be no parking on Northeast Drive until other AOC work, not related to the CVC, is completed in this area.

Alternate Media Sites

  1. House Media Site - Work on the platform and connecting utilities will continue on the Cannon terrace.
  2. Senate Media Site - Foundation work for the platform will begin in the site location in Upper Senate Park.

Historic Preservation

Removal of the historic Frederick Law Olmsted landscape features, including the fountains, lanterns and retaining walls on the East Front Plaza, is required to clear the site for CVC excavation. All historic materials that are removed will be catalogued, stored, and replaced in their original locations once the new Plaza has been completed.

  1. House-side Historic Preservation - Crews continue to catalogue the historic Frederick Law Olmsted landscape features in preparation for their removal and storage.
  2. Senate-side Historic Preservation - Crews are expected to begin removal of the historic Frederick Law Olmsted landscape features along the southwest quadrant of the Senate egg. This work will require parking restrictions (approximately 10-12 spaces) in the immediate vicinity of this work.

Construction Fencing - Construction of the fence, trim and painting will continue.

Tree Maintenance - Tree monitoring activities will continue.

If you have any questions about the Capitol Visitor Center Project, please contact Tom Fontana, CVC Project Communications Officer for the Architect of the Capitol, at (202) 228-1310, or by e-mail at

If you experience any problems with building services inside the Capitol, please contact the Capitol Building Service Center.


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