



ICYMI: Jack on Washington Journal

January 29th, 2009 by Press Staff

Sorry for the delay but, in case you missed it, Jack appeared on CSPAN’s Washington Journal yesterday morning to discuss the economic “stimulus” plan offered by House Democrats.  To view the segment, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Economic “Stimulus”

January 28th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack again took to the floor today to speak out against the economic “stimulus” proposed by House Democrats.  To view his speech, click on the link below:

ICYMI: Jack featured on Lou Dobbs Tonight

January 24th, 2009 by Press Staff

In case you missed it, click on the video below to see Jack on Lou Dobbs Tonight:

ICYMI - Jack on Mid Morning Live

July 21st, 2008 by Press Staff

In case you missed it, Jack appeared on WTOC’s Mid Morning Live this morning to discuss Commerce Secretary Gutierrez’s visit to Savannah’s port and the ongoing Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.  To view the clip, click here.

Jack on the Floor

July 17th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the House Floor today to praise House Democrats for finally hearing the call of their constituents and acting on energy legislation.  The only problem, is that their “DRILL NOW” bill does nothing but restate current law and the status quo will do nothing to bring down gas prices.  Not only does today’s bill do nothing to increase supply, it completely ignores the two other necessary components of a sound energy policy - conservation and innovation.

 To view Jack’s speech, click below:

 For more information on Jack’s push to realize America’s fuel independence, click here.


July 15th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor this morning to question why House Democrats continue their refusal to debate energy policy on the House floor.  Rather than bring up legislation that could even potentially serve as a vehicle to open up our resources and help drive down the cost of gas, Democrats have derailed the appropriations process and refuse to bring up any legislation that would answer the call of the American people.

In Jack’s speech, he notes that the nay-saying of House Democrats on opening up domestic resources means two things:

  1. Even they admit that there are oil reserves available which we have not yet tapped.
  2. They try to divert attention from that by talking about how long it would take to come up.  Not only are their timetables outrageously inflated but they do not consider that their one-size-fits-all approach of alternative vehicles has done nothing to solve this crisis.

In order to truly solve this energy crisis, we must take a three-legged approach.  First, is conservation - by using less oil we will bring down demand which will force down the cost of oil.  Second, we must explore our own domestic resources - America remains the only country in the world that restricts her domestic energy resources.  Third, we must us innovation to discover and produce more sources of alternative energy.

To view Jack’s speech, click below:

For more information on what Jack’s doing to combat high gas prices or to take his energy survey, click here.

Bush to Congress: Open Offshore Resources

June 18th, 2008 by Press Staff

President Bush made this announcement in the Rose Garden.  More to come…

Jack on the Floor - Business Card on a Basketball Court

June 12th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

As you may remember, the Kingston interns developed this visual aid to remind everyone that, if ANWR were the size of a basketball court, the area reserved for drilling would be the size of a business card.  (For the full blog post with all the visual aids, click here)

 Jack took to the floor to drive home this message and remind Americans just what the extremists are blocking us from doing - realizing our Nation’s energy independence.

To see Jack’s speech, click below.


June 11th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor of the House last night to discuss his recent fact finding mission to the middle east.  The purpose of the mission was to question the high cost of oil and seek assistance to bring down the price American families are paying at the pump.

When Jack and the other members on the trip questioned the oil leaders, they highlighted the hypocrisy of asking them to increase demand when we won’t drill for oil at home or even build new refineries.  As they pointed out, oil production was increased in response to President Bush’s recent trip to the region but it won’t effect the prices here at home because we don’t have the refinery capacity to handle it.

Jack also reminded listeners that China and Cuba are drilling 45 miles off the coast of Florida while government regulations forbid us from doing so.

Keep in mind, America is the ONLY country in the world to restrict its domestic energy resources.

JACK ON THE FLOOR: One more day without addressing gas prices

June 5th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today to highlight that today is one more day that Congress has ignored the rising cost of fuel.  Rather than do anything to help American families with the squeeze being caused by $4 gas, the House yesterday passed the “Soapbox Derby Appreciation Day”.

As Jack points out, this could prove to be significant legislation.  At the rate taxes are increasing, we could go Flintstones-style and start soapboxing our way around.  Since Speaker Pelosi took control of the House promising “commonsense solutions” to America’s energy crunch, gas prices have gone from an average of $2.33 to $3.99.  What are the Democrats doing about it?  Absolutely nothing.  They have ignored any serious legislation to address gas prices.

To see Jack’s floor statement, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR: Realizing Our Energy Indpendence

June 4th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Jack took to the floor today to discuss the absurdity that’s driving our Nation’s energy policy.  America is the only country in the world to restrict its domestic energy resources.  Government regulations currently block 62% of our proven domestic reserves onshore.  Eighty-five percent of the lower forty-eight states’ offshore potential is blocked and we don’t even know how much oil is there because government regulations won’t even allow us to sonar for estimations.

There’s a clear choice on energy policy - Jack and Republican members of the House want every option on the table to reduce our dependence on foriegn oil and to drive down the price we pay at the pump.  Democrats, however, don’t want anything on the table even as middle-class American families are struggle to make ends meet under the Pelosi Premium.

To view Jack’s comments, click below.

Jack on CSPAN

May 8th, 2008 by Press Staff

Jack appeared on Washington Journal this morning to discuss the supplemental appropriations bill.  Due in large part to Jack and other House Republican Appropriators’ efforts to bring transparency to the bill (as well as the dissent of members within Speaker Pelosi’s own caucus), Democrat leadership has decided to consider the bill next week.  Keep an eye out, though, we’re on watch to make sure the American people have a voice on this bill.


Jack on the Floor: Shady Supplemental

May 7th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today to argue against the unprecedented process by which the “emergency” supplemental appropriations bill is being brought to the floor.  Speaker Pelosi plans to push through a $200+ billion dollar package without letting anyone read the bill first.  She’s already pledged to load it up with domestic spending unrelated to the war but we won’t even know what that is until after it’s already been voted on.

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Jack on the Floor: Combustible Dust Bill

April 30th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today during the debate over H.R. 5522.  The bill, which would regulate combustible dust standards, was drafted after the February 7th explosion at the Imperial Sugar Refinery in Port Wentworth.  While Port Wentworth sits just outside the First District, Jack represented the area for a long time and many employees are Jack’s constituents.

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