Transportation Security

1/09/09: Dodd Addresses Connecticut Transportation, Environment, Infrastructure Leaders

January 9, 2009

Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd today will address the Regional Transportation Forum presented by the Connecticut Sierra Club and the National Corridors Initiative. Dodd will speak about the need for investing in our state and nation’s infrastructure in order to create jobs and spur economic growth.


"We have a golden opportunity in the coming months to not only rebuild existing transportation infrastructure and provide new capacity – and we need to – but to also start thinking differently about the role transportation plays in America – about how we get to work and school, how our businesses move and ship products. Not just how we live our lives today, but how we want to live our lives tomorrow."

7/16/08: Dodd, Lieberman Announce Committee Approval of $241.1 Million for Connecticut Programs

July 16, 2008

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) today praised Senate Appropriations Committee approval of $241.1 million in federal funding for a variety of Connecticut initiatives.  This funding will be used for, among other services, economic development initiatives, education, health care, and family and community support programs – efforts essential to the wellbeing and continued success of Connecticut.

6/12/08: Opening Statement: Condition of our Nation's Infrastructure: Local Perspectives from Mayors

Submitted by Chris Dodd on June 12, 2008 - 1:26pm.
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Archive Stream of Hearing
June 12, 2008
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Remarks as Prepared: The Committee will please come to order.  We gather here this morning to examine once again the condition of our nation’s infrastructure and proposals for needed improvements to it.

When the Committee last gathered to examine this critical issue, we considered the perspectives from individuals who held expertise in public and private financing, civil engineering, labor, and business.  They were unanimous in voicing compelling support for increased investment in our nation’s infrastructure and for the need to develop and implement alternative ways to finance this critically important investment in our nation’s future.

4/10/08: CT Delegation Highlights Federal Transportation Funding Increase

April 10, 2008

The entire Connecticut Delegation wrote to Governor M. Jodi Rell contesting the assertion that Connecticut saw a reduction in federal transportation funding.  The delegation countered the claims by outlining the actual increase in resources that the Connecticut Department of Transportation will receive in fiscal year 2008 for critical transportation initiatives.

3/28/08: Dodd Visits Norwich Wastewater Treatment Facility

March 28, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) visited Norwich on Friday to announce the federal funding he secured for construction of the Norwich Intermodal Transportation Center, currently in the final stages of development.  Dodd joined Mayor Ben Lathrop to discuss the need for improvements to the city’s wastewater treatment plant, which may pose a threat to the environmental well-being of the Thames Estuary in southeastern Connecticut.  Dodd first met with Mayor Lathrop to discuss these initiatives when the Mayor visited Washington, D.C. in January.   The city of Norwich is seeking federal funding for the Sound Norwich Wastewater Project in the Fiscal Year 2009 Interior Appropriations bill and has also requested additional funds for the transportation center in the Transportation-Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill.  

3/24/08: Dodd Discusses Infrastructure Bill in Stamford

March 24, 2008

At the site of one of Connecticut’s largest new investments in infrastructure, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) discussed the state of roads, bridges, transit systems, publicly-owned housing properties, and water treatment facilities in Connecticut and across the country.  Dodd visited the site of the Stamford Urban Transitway with Mayor Dan Malloy to discuss his bill on investing in our country’s infrastructure.    

3/20/08: Connecticut Delegation Condemns Approval of Broadwater Proposal

March 20, 2008

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) and Representatives John Larson (CT-1), Joe Courtney (CT-2), Rosa DeLauro (CT-3), Christopher Shays (CT-4), and Chris Murphy (CT-5), today declared their strong disapproval of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) approval of the proposed Broadwater Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Storage and Regasification Facility in Long Island Sound.  The proposed LNG facility is roughly the size of the Queen Mary II and will draw regular traffic of full LNG tanker ships through the relatively narrow mouth of the Sound and within a few miles of Connecticut’s shore along the entire eastern half of the state. The Connecticut delegation has previously voiced their objections about the proposed facility in letters to Joseph Kelliher, Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and Admiral Thad Allan of the U.S. Coast Guard, which is responsible for the security of offshore energy facilities.

3/11/08: Opening Statement of Chairman Dodd: " Condition of our Nation's Infrastructure and Proposals for Needed Improvements "

Submitted by Chris Dodd on March 11, 2008 - 3:07pm.
Download the podcast here:
Archive Stream of Hearing
March 11, 2008
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March 11, 2008

Remarks as Prepared: The Committee will please come to order. We gather here this morning to examine an issue of paramount importance: the condition of our nation’s infrastructure, and proposals for needed improvements to it.

3/03/08: Senator Dodd: "As the Nation Crumbles"

March 3, 2008

On Sunday, the New York Times published the following op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd on our nation's crumbling infrastructure, Senator Dodd is the Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.

THE most pressing problems can sometimes be the dullest — until they force their way into our attention in an instant.

2/06/08: Dodd on Bush's Defense/Homeland Security Proposals: Priorities Continue to be Misplaced

February 6, 2008

“The Administration’s foreign policy budget simply does not reflect reality.  Our troops have been operating in Iraq since 2003 and in Afghanistan since 2001.  And yet, after all our troops have sacrificed and endured, and America’s lost standing in the world, the President still refuses to account for this war’s full impact.  By keeping the wars out of his budget the President somehow thinks that he can pull the wool over our eyes and act as if our continued operations in Iraq and Afghanistan won’t contribute to the national deficit, or won’t weigh on the shoulders of future generations of Americans.

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