Issue Statements - Energy


Securing America's Energy and Independence

Republicans are committed to innovative new technologies to develop America’s energy resources that create jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil and gas while preserving the environment.


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  • 01.13.09

    Sen. Barrasso Questions Sec. of Energy Nominee Chu

    Senator(s): John Barrasso

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  • 01.09.09

    Barrasso Speech on Wyoming Range

    Senator(s): John Barrasso

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  • 11.19.08

    Senator Chuck Grassley Satellite Conference Call Part 1

    Senator(s): Charles Grassley

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Oct Supplemental Packet
Oct Supplemental Packet
Oct Supplemental PacketGetAway card Oct. 1stOctober 2008 PacketOil&Gas Off LimitsExpand Offshore Energy ProductionNorth American Oil ReservesAmericans Want: Lower Gas PricesWicker gas prices 08GetAway card July 31RecessPkt August2008Advancing America's Priorities?Find More Use Less Examples aaFind More Use Less Examples bbHistory U.S. Natural Gas ConsumptionU.S. Natural Gas Consumption for Vehicle FuelNatural Gas Consumption (2007)Warren Buffett quoteHistory of U.S. Natural Gas ConsumptionNatural Gas Annual PricesU.S. Natural Gas Consumption Vehicle Fuel
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  • 01.09.09

    Inhofe Global Warming Speech: ‘Consensus’ in Freefall

    Senator(s): James Inhofe

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  • 01.08.09

    Inhofe Speech: Global Warming ‘Consensus’ in Freefall

    Senator(s): James Inhofe

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  • 01.08.09

    Floor Speech

    Senator(s): James Inhofe

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