Dan Dahlkemper First Male President of Congressional Spouses

Dan Dahlkemper First Male President of
Congressional Spouses

Washington D.C. – Dan Dahlkemper, husband of Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (D- PA-03) has been elected the first male President of the Congressional Spouses’ freshman class.

“I ran for this office to support Kathy in the same fashion she has supported me all these years in my endeavors,” said Dahlkemper.  “This group is one of the few bipartisan organizations in Washington for spouses and the network built among us will translate into an ability to positively influence national projects that we can bring home to the District.”

Dahlkemper cited the example of his predecessor, 2006 Congressional Spouses President Gayle Kagen, wife of Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. (WI-8), and the leadership which she provided in bringing together the United Way and the National Military Families Association to make the 2-1-1 call center a single point of contact for veterans and their families seeking counseling and other services.

Dahlkemper is joined by Katie Posey, Republican spouse of Congressman Bill Posey, Virginia Griffith, Democratic spouse of Congressman Parker Griffith, and Michelle Lee, Republican spouse of Congressman Chris Lee.

“This group of spouses and the work we will do speaks directly to the character of the 111th Congress, reaching across party lines to build coalitions and move this country forward,” stated Dahlkemper.

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