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FDLP Promotional Graphics PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, 13 November 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 January 2009

FDLP logo graphics are provided for use on your Web site or for use in printed educational and public relations materials you develop. The graphics are available in a variety of formats, depending on whether the images are needed for print or electronic format. Files have been compressed in zip format for easier download.

icon Easy As FDL Logos (938.59 kB)

icon FDLP Eagle Logo-Color (2.66 MB)

icon FDLP Eagle Logo-Black and White (2.08 MB)

Printed Materials (eps and tif): For use in brochures, banners, exhibit booth graphics, and promotional items (e.g., mugs, pens or mousepads). The .eps and .tif files come in CMYK (four color) and Black & White in four different sizes. They are high resolution and are used for your printed materials. The .eps file format can be resized in Adobe Illustrator without the resolution being compromised in the event that you need to enlarge that file for a large banner output for a booth display.

Electronic and Web-based Materials (gif and jpg): For use in Web pages, PowerPoint presentations and text documents. The jpg and gif files come in RGB and Black & White in four different sizes. They are low-resolution and are used for materials created to be viewed on the computer.

The GPO depository eagle is a registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), S/N: 78503429. It was registered as a service mark on August 25, 1992.

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