Boustany Announces $118,750 Grant for New Fire Truck in St. Landry Parish... Boustany Calls for More American Energy Production to Lower Price at the Pump... Boustany Awarded Community Action Honor in Ville Platte... Boustany Announces New VA Clinic in Lake Charles, Jennings Clinic to Remain Fully Functional...
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January 27, 2009
Boustany Hosts 2009 Farm Forum
Join me for the third annual Farm Forum in Abbeville on February 18.
January 27, 2009
Boustany- “Most importantly, we must look for solutions which produce results.”
"Madam Speaker, both sides agree that our national economy is in trouble as thousands of Americans are without work. And, I thank the President for meeting with both parties in the House to develop real solutions to the problems we face."
January 22, 2009
Boustany Urges Obama to Support Life, Welcomes Louisiana Students to Washington for March for Life Rally
“All human life is precious, and those who came to Washington today demonstrated that in a very real way,” Boustany said. “The annual March for Life is a show of support for some of the neediest members of our society. I appreciate those across Louisiana who work to improve the lives of pregnant women and their unborn children.”
January 22, 2009
Boustany Announces $93,777 in Grants to Rebuild Levees and Improve Coastal Infrastructure in Vermilion Parish
“I remain committed to strengthening coastal defenses to protect our way of life in Southwest Louisiana, and today’s grants will help maintain levees to provide security and prevent saltwater intrusion,” Boustany said. “Saltwater quickly destroys our farmland forcing farmers along the coast to abandon their farms or pay dramatic cleanup costs.”
January 20, 2009
Boustany- “I look forward to working with the President when he acts in the interest of Southwest Louisiana”
“Today is a historic day, and I congratulate President Obama and his family on his Inauguration,” Boustany said. “It is great to have so many people from our region in Washington, D.C. this week. I look forward to working with the President when he acts in the interest of Southwest Louisiana, and I will oppose him when he does not. The nation faces many difficult challenges – rising healthcare costs, a struggling economy, global terrorists bent on harming Americans – and we need bi-partisan solutions to meet them.”
January 13, 2009
Boustany Urges States to Report S-CHIP Success Rates to Ensure Access for Neediest Children
“I proudly support S-CHIP, so we must ensure our children are getting the quality healthcare they need,” Boustany said. “S-CHIP, or LaCHIP in Louisiana, offers important healthcare access for children whose parents are working but are unable to afford ever increasing health insurance costs. My amendment simply urges states to report on their success getting children on S-CHIP to see a doctor. Seeing a doctor and developing a doctor-patient relationship allows children to get better care at a cheaper cost rather than simply going to an emergency room.”
January 7, 2009
Boustany Named to Prestigious Ways and Means Committee
“The Ways and Means Committee will oversee many of the most pressing issues impacting Louisiana and our country as a new Administration begins,” Boustany said. “We must make America competitive again, which requires low tax burdens and solutions to rising healthcare costs. In addition, new markets must be sought for U.S. produced goods. Opportunities exist to help businesses and their employees prosper, and I look forward to helping America achieve its potential.”
January 6, 2009
Boustany Sworn-in for Third Term, Looks to Provide Solutions for Southwest Louisiana
“Our region faces many challenges – coastal restoration and healthcare – to name two pressing ones, which must be met,” Boustany said. “I look forward to building on the success we have had, but dealing with these issues will take broad, bi-partisan solutions. Working together, we can accomplish much more for Southwest Louisiana.”
December 17, 2008
Boustany Calls for Increased American Energy Production as OPEC Slashes Output
“As our economy slows, American families cannot afford dramatically higher gas prices like we suffered this past summer,” Boustany said. “We must responsibly increase American production to decrease our dependence on unstable foreign sources like OPEC. Not only will more U.S. output keep the price low, but it will create good paying American jobs too. That’s a win-win situation to get our economy back on track.”
December 16, 2008
Boustany- “Working together is the only way we will be able to complete parts of I-49, I-10”
“Over the next few months, Congress will begin deliberation on a new Highway Bill,” Boustany said. “By working together now, we can best utilize all our resources and complete the highway projects Southwest Louisiana desperately needs. Cooperation is the only way we will be able to complete parts of I-49 South, I-10 and other major infrastructure projects.”
December 10, 2008
Boustany Announces $2.5 Million for Abbeville General Hospital Hurricane Upgrades
“Abbeville General is an integral part of our region’s hurricane preparedness plan, and this funding will help put the hospital in better shape to serve Vermillion Parish during future storms,” Boustany said. “As a former doctor, I know how important secure facilities are for people in Southwest Louisiana. FEMA’s grant will be put to good use.”
December 3, 2008
Landrieu, Vitter, Boustany Urge Flexibilty in Housing Solutions for Cameron Parish
“Cameron Parish residents are in desperate need of temporary housing as the parish had few rental resources before the storms, and the major industries in the area — oil/gas and seafood — necessitate a nearby workforce,” the letter states.
October 9, 2008
Boustany Praises Announcement of Waiver for Local Cost-Share Requirements for Calcasieu, Cameron Parishes for Ike Cleanup
“As Calcasieu and Cameron continue to rebuild and repair after hurricanes Gustav and Ike, the federal cost-share requirement was a real burden on their communities,” Boustany said. “I am glad the President understands the difficulties they face, and I appreciate this waiver. After meeting with many parish-wide leaders, the tough financial decisions they faced were apparent. This waiver allows our parishes to get back up and running quicker.”
October 3, 2008
Boustany- “While not perfect, this is a better bill that will help Southwest Louisiana keep jobs.”
“The economic downturn America is beginning to realize is a result of greed and irresponsibility, and now, small businesses, responsible homeowners and Southwest Louisiana families suffer because of reckless decisions by Wall Street,” Boustany said. “After reading this legislation and talking with experts and people across my district, I am convinced inaction at this time would hurt middle-class families. An increase in guaranteed limits for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will help restore public confidence in the safety of their bank deposits, and it is one important change from previous versions of this bill. People are anxious about banks being able to honor their commitments, and I acted to provide confidence. Strong oversight of Treasury and sound safeguards will help taxpayers recoup this loan over time; this is a necessary start. While not perfect, this is a better bill that will help Southwest Louisiana keep jobs.”
September 29, 2008
Boustany Votes Against $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout
“My first responsibility as a member of Congress is to the American taxpayer, and today, I am proud to defend the hard-earned dollars they send to Washington,” Boustany said. “Our financial markets are critical to economic growth. This bill is not the prudent way to protect responsible mortgages and pension plans. Congress can still act in a smart way to allow the market to correct itself, but taxpayers will not be put on the hook, if I have a say about it.”
September 25, 2008
Boustany Urges USDA to Extend 2009 Crop Insurance Deadline for Farmers Impacted by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike
“Farmers and ranchers across Southwest Louisiana continue to struggle with recovery as flooding and debris hamper their efforts,” Boustany said. “With the 2009 crop insurance deadline just days away, Secretary Schafer must act to help many farmers who remain unable to return to their farms because of safety concerns.”
September 25, 2008
Boustany Announces $8.5 Million Grant to Build Four Coastal Restoration Barriers in Cameron and Vermillion Parishes
“People in Southwest Louisiana understand how important our coast is to our economy, our energy and our way of life,” Boustany said. “This grant is another step in the process to stopping coastal erosion to protect property and lives along the coast from another devastating hurricane. Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are the most recent reminders of the damage that can be done.”
September 24, 2008
Boustany Votes for Emergency Dredging Funds; Meets with Corps to Ensure Calcasieu Ship Channel Receives Aid
“Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are painful reminders of the work needed for the Calcasieu Ship Channel and our critical wetlands in Southwest Louisiana,” Boustany said. “Today, I proudly supported funding our nation’s emergency dredging needs, and I call on Colonel Lee and the Army Corps to provide $40 million of that for the Calcasieu Ship Channel. It must be a top priority for the Corps.”
September 23, 2008
Boustany Discusses Hurricane Recovery Priorities with Governor
“I appreciate Governor Jindal coming to Washington to demonstrate the needs our state has following two devastating storms,” Boustany said. “The whole delegation is working together quickly to provide assistance before Congress adjourns. We are under a tough deadline, made much worse by the irresponsible dealings of many in the financial sector. I’m outraged that Congress now must take unprecedented action in light of negligent decisions by CEOs and others in positions of trust. Congress first and foremost has a responsibility to the American taxpayer.”
September 17, 2008
Boustany Introduces Evacuation Assistance Bill
“Traveling across Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana to view the destruction of hurricanes Gustav and Ike, I saw the hard work lying ahead firsthand,” Boustany said. “I also saw the difficulty many in our area are having meeting the expensive costs of evacuating. This is why I introduced the Evacuee Assistance Act of 2008 today. My bill is a starting point that would provide some help to residents who heeded mandatory evacuation orders by reimbursing evacuees up to $2,000 to cover travel and lodging in the form of tax credits.”
September 16, 2008
Boustany Discusses State Priorities for Gustav and Ike Recovery with Strain, Landrieu
“I appreciate the Commissioner and Lieutenant Governor coming to Washington to stress the importance of timely recovery assistance,” Boustany said. “After touring parts of Cameron, Calcasieu and Vermillion parishes on Saturday, I am amazed by the destruction across Southwest Louisiana. The delegation will work in a bi-partisan effort to ensure the state and its residents can access help promptly. While more information is needed for a full assessment, today’s meeting helps us set the state’s critical recovery priorities.”
September 15, 2008
Boustany Applauds SWLA Economic Development Alliance for Rapid Response Following Ike
“Reopening our small businesses in the Lake Charles area is critical to recovery following this powerful storm,” Boustany said. “The destruction I saw on Saturday in Cameron and Calcasieu parishes was incredible, but just as after Rita, we will roll up our sleeves and go to work. I appreciate the SWLA Economic Development Alliance for their efforts to help businesses get back quickly.”
September 3, 2008
Boustany, Louisiana Delegation Urge President to Declare Major Disaster Following Gustav
“As I’ve traveled around the district, I’ve seen firsthand the damage caused by Gustav, and I’m working as quickly as possible to ensure people have access to federal help,” Boustany said. “I appreciate everyone’s preparations for the storm. We must now focus on cleaning up and recovering. The President must declare a major disaster to help our effort.”
August 29, 2008
Boustany Announces $1.5 Million Grant for Chennault Airport to Create Jobs and Spur Economy in Calcasieu Parish
“Chennault Airport provides critical economic opportunities for Lake Charles area businesses and residents, and this grant demonstrates the commitment of leaders at the local, state and federal levels to its continued success,” Boustany said. “This new center, which could create more than 300 new jobs, will enable many of our area’s young people to receive necessary training for quality jobs. I applaud all those who worked to make this happen.”
August 28, 2008
Boustany Urges Southwest Louisiana Residents to Prepare for Gustav
“Gustav should serve as a reminder to be prepared for a tropical storm or hurricane,” Boustany said. “Residents along the coast and even north of I-10 should take precautions ahead of the storm to ensure they are prepared. If you have family or friends living in these areas, please make sure they have a plan to stay safe.”
August 15, 2008
DAY TWO: Boustany Returns to Washington- “We Need an Audacity of Action to Lower Gas Prices”
“Members of Congress are ready to follow the American people’s call for lower gas prices through an ‘all of the above’ strategy, but Speaker Pelosi of California and other extreme environmentalists are blocking any and all action,” said Boustany. “Let’s work together to lower the price at the pump, decrease our dependence on foreign sources of oil and keep good paying American jobs here at home.”
August 14, 2008
Boustany Returns to Washington, Says- ‘Let’s Do Our Job and Help Lower Gas Prices for the American People’
“Gas prices continue to squeeze family budgets, this is what I heard across Southwest Louisiana,” said Boustany. “Congress can act to help lower the cost of gas and diesel, but the Speaker and Washington Democrats refuse any reasonable compromise. Back home, I saw how we can responsibly explore for and produce American energy. It keeps jobs in the U.S. and is spurring our economy.”
August 13, 2008
Boustany Sponsors Southwest Louisiana Student ‘Healthy Living’ Essay Contest
“As a doctor who saw the negative effects of unhealthy choices, I know it’s critical to get Louisiana’s children started on a healthy path early in life,” said Boustany. “The Children’s Fitness and Food Essay Challenge is designed to spark interest in exercise and responsible diets that can help our children live healthier lives. I hope it will also give parents and teachers an opportunity to talk with young people about the importance of making smart decisions early in life.”
July 31, 2008
Herseth Sandlin, Boustany Call on American Employers to Promote Worksite Wellness
Bipartisan Legislation Designates National Workplace Wellness Week; Encourages Employers to Invest in the Health of Workforce
July 30, 2008
Boustany Announces $334,540 Grant for Chenier Plain Sustainability Initiative at McNeese University
“We are running against the clock as each year another hurricane season brings the potential for a devastating new storm like Hurricane Rita,” Boustany said. “I am committed to a long-term solution and funding to rebuild our coastline. It’s critical that we do it right the first time, and that’s what this grant will help ensure.”
For questions or inquiries please contact:  Rick Curtsinger; Office Phone: 202-225-2031; Cell Phone: 202-222-8016; Click here to email Rick