Media Center

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January 29, 2009: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan: Good for Pennsylvania
This plan is not perfect, but it is essential to our country's future, to do nothing would have devastating effects for families all across our state and country. …More

Press Releases

January 27, 2009: 
Dan Dahlkemper First Male President of Congressional Spouses
This group of spouses and the work we will do speaks directly to the character of the 111th Congress, reaching across party lines to build coalitions and move this country forward. …More
January 16, 2009: 
Corrected: Erie Office Hours and Toll Free Phone Number
The office is fully staffed to address the needs of Pennsylvania's Third Congressional District. Additional office arrangements are being made for other counties in the district and announcements will be forthcoming. …More
January 14, 2009: 
Dahlkemper Original Co-Sponsor of State Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization
During these tough economic times, when millions of Americans are losing their jobs and health care, it is essential that the bipartisan SCHIP program be expanded without further delay. …More

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NY Times- House Expands Children's Health Care
House Expands Children’s Health Care By ROBERT PEARWASHINGTON — With enthusiastic support from President-elect Barack Obama, the House on Wednesday...…
Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper Receives House Committee and Caucus Appointments
I am confident that my committee assignments, rounded out by my caucus appointments, have poised me to serve all the constituents of the 3rd Congressional District.…
Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper Pushes for Rural Relief in Economic Recovery Plan
Rural areas are the hardest hit during tough economic times. We have an opportunity to provide necessary aid to these communities in the 3rd District of Pennsylvania, including prioritizing infrastructure projects which will create local jobs and stimulate the District's economy.…

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