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Nov. 2, 2007: Trumbull County receives $9 million in Senior Housing Grants | Print |


Eighty New Units to be built in Girard and Newton Falls  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tim Ryan announced today that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is awarding Trumbull County more than $9 million in HUD grants to be used for 80 senior housing units in Girard and Newton Falls.   

“The federal funding for these housing units will ensure that our senior citizens can continue to live independently in a safe and clean environment that have necessary amenities available nearby,” said Congressman Ryan. “Our senior citizens deserve to live with dignity no matter their level of income. These grants will help us realize that goal.”  

The Newton Falls project is being developed by Neighborhood Development Services, Inc., and will be built at Freedom and Trumbull Streets. A community room, a library and laundry facilities will be available for all of the residents. “The need for senior housing is growing at an alarming rate and is exaggerated through the foreclosure crisis. We are pleased to be able to address the needs of the elderly with an additional 40 units. Working with Congressman Ryan’s Office to address housing and foreclosure prevention and economic development within the region has been especially productive” said Dave Vaughan, Executive Director of Neighborhood Development Services.   

In Girard, a three-story building called Girard Manor will be constructed by the Trumbull Housing Development Corporation promoting independent living for the very low-income elderly. Don Emerson, Executive Director of the Trumbull County Metropolitan Housing Authority, believes the need for this project cannot be overstated. “This project has been three years in the making, and we are thrilled to see our hard work rewarded. The shifting demographics of our area have greatly increased the demand for decent, affordable housing, especially for the elderly.  We believe our initiative will help to address this issue.”

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