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Oct. 31, 2007: Congressman Tim Ryan Calls for Resignation of CPSC Acting Chairperson Nancy Nord | Print |

Says Nord is clearly not working in the best interests of the Commission 



(Washington D.C.) - Following the recall of millions of toys originating in China and the latest statements of Acting Chairperson of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Nancy Nord yesterday, Congressman Tim Ryan (OH-17) is calling for Nord’s immediate resignation. Citing the Acting Chairperson’s opposition to a Senate bill aimed at doubling the number of full-time staffers at the Commission, Ryan questioned who Nord was interested in protecting. 

“I think its time for Acting Chairperson Nord to answer a very serious question. Is she more interested in protecting our children from lead poisoning, our families from tainted Chinese products or more interested in protecting the Bush Administration. Based on her recent comments, I’d say the latter,” said Congressman Ryan. “I call on the Chairperson to resign immediately. We can’t possibly play political games when the health and safety of our families are on the line.” 

Since 1980, the staff levels at the CPSC have been cut in half from 400 to around 200 today. A bill currently moving through the Senate, and expected to be voted on in the House, would allow the CPSC to increase the maximum penalties for safety violations and make it easier for the government to make public reports of faulty products. In addition, the bill would protect industry whistle-blowers and prosecute executives of companies that willfully violate laws. The bill would also increase the CPSC’s budget and double the number of people tasked with inspecting products and ensuring consumer safety. Nancy Nord opposes this plan. 

“This product safety crisis has been caused by two things that should have never been allowed to occur in the first place,” said Ryan. “first, the outsourcing of American jobs to China and second, the Bush administration’s dangerous anti-regulatory policies. It’s time for the Bush Administration to start putting America first.”

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