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August 2, 2007:Congressman Ryan Succeeds in Bringing Millions to Forum Health and Humility of Mary | Print |


Forum Health and Humility of Mary to move into Cleveland Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) 

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Tim Ryan announced his successful efforts in passing legislation that will generate Forum Health and Humility of Mary hospital systems a combined total of approximately $4 million dollars annually. Congressman Ryan’s provision, which he was able to attach to a bill reauthorizing the state children’s health insurance program, reclassifies both hospital systems into the Cleveland-Akron-Elyria Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA). Currently, both hospital systems belong to the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman CBSA which includes rural hospitals in the Mercer area. Ryan’s provision alters the formula by which the federal government computes the hospitals’ Medicare reimbursements leading to significant revenue increases. 


“Our community sits in between two of the hottest healthcare markets in the nation and as they move towards working together to attract venture capital, investment and research grants I want to ensure that our hospitals are as competitive as possible,” said Congressman Ryan. “This is an essential step towards making sure we have a financially stable, forward-looking local healthcare system that can truly take advantage of the exciting changes happening in our region.” 


“When Congressman Ryan called me I got goose bumps,” said Bob Shroder, President and CEO of Humility of Mary Health Partners. “Our preliminary estimates show that this realignment will bring in an additional $2 million a year in revenues to Humility of Mary.” 


“This tells me that our government is working,” said Debbie Bindas, President of AFSCME Ohio Council 8. “Tim has been battling in Washington for us for over four years now and we are seeing the results.” 


“We’ve been working very closely with Congressman Ryan on the wage index issue and we very much appreciate his efforts to help our patients and our hospitals.” Said Dr. Keith Ghezzi, President and CEO of Forum Health. “We realize this effort is far from final, but it’s a very important step in the right direction.” 



Ryan’s provision is contained in the Children's Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act which passed the House of Representatives yesterday. The bill must be considered by the Senate and signed by the President.

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