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July 19, 2007: Reps. Ryan and Regula, Sen. Sherrod Brown Announce ATAA Assistance | Print |


Washington D.C. – Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Niles), Congressman Ralph Regula (R-Medina) and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced today that FormTech workers displaced by recent job losses will receive important job training and placement assistance from the United States Department of Labor. In June, the three lawmakers urged Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao to reexamine the circumstances of job loss, reverse the ruling of Employment and Training Administration (ETA), and grant them full eligibility for alternative trade adjustment assistance (ATAA) benefits. The Secretary complied and the ruling was reversed. 


“These vital ATAA benefits will help ensure that FormTech workers will get the training and job placement assistance they need to be successful and will help them find new work and secure the future for their families,” said Congressman Ryan. 



"The employees of FormTech worked hard and still lost their jobs because of complications from foreign trade. This is exactly why Congress set up the TAA system in the first place. Helping these workers get back on their feet quickly is the right – and smart – thing to do. Senator Brown said. 


"I am pleased with the Secretary’s decision to extend this assistance package to the people at FormTech to help them get back on their feet and ease the transition to new employment,” said Regula.   


The ATAA program is a federal program that provides aid to workers who lose their jobs or whose hours of work and wages are reduced as a result of increased imports. The program extends benefits including training for employment in another job or career, income support, job search allowance, and relocation allowances. Qualified workers may quickly return to employment through a combination of these services.

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