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January 10, 2007: Statement of Congressman Tim Ryan in Support of the Minimum Wage Increase Passed by the House of Representatives | Print |


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Tim Ryan today issued the following in support of the minimum wage increase today passed by the U.S. House of Representatives:


"I am proud to have joined with my Democratic colleagues in support of H.R. 2, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. The November election sent a clear message to Congress that Americans expect our workers to receive an honest day's wage for an honest day's work.


"In recent years the pharmaceutical industry lobbyists came to the table and got what they wanted; the oil industry came to the table and walked away happy; and now-with a Democratic Congress in charge-individuals who work at the lowest wages in our nation will receive a fair and equitable share of the great wealth of this nation.


"While our economy is growing, a large number of Americans still struggle to make ends meet, including significant percentages of minorities. An increase in the minimum wage will increase the buying power of low-wage workers and keep our endangered middle class from slipping into poverty. It will reduce job turnover as well as lead to higher productivity and lower recruitment and training costs for employers.


"Raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do for all Americans, and I am happy that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle joined the new Speaker in passing this important legislation."

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