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January 4, 2007: Rep. Tim Ryan Sworn-In To 110TH Congress | Print |


Washington, D.C.) - Rep. Tim Ryan was sworn-in today at 2:30 p.m. as a member of the 110th Congress.  He was re-elected to his third term on November 7, 2006 with 80 percent of the vote.  In the Oath of Office, Rep. Ryan pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.


"Today was the third time I had the honor of taking that oath," Rep. Ryan said.  "It continues to be an increasingly humbling experience, and I am grateful that the people of the 17th district allow me to serve them."


"Today was especially remarkable, as I was sworn-in for the first time as a member of the majority party by the first female Speaker of the House."


"The control of the 110th Congress was given to Democrats on the promise of a New Direction for America.  I look forward to working with my Democratic colleagues, as well as building partnerships with the Republican minority to uphold that promise." 


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