Photo Gallery

Welcome to the photo gallery for Congressman Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.

Please click on each thumbnail image below to view the full image.

Capitol Building

Description: The Capitol on a clear spring day

Capitol Building

Description: View of the Northeast section of the Capitol Dome

Front of the Capitol

Description: View of the Capitol looking West

Latest News

Congressman Kratovil Works to Strip Wasteful Spending from Upcoming Stimulus Package
Today, Congressman Frank Kratovil voted twice to strip wasteful spending form a proposed economic stimulus package that the House is planning to take up tomorrow afternoon.…
Introductory One Minute Floor Speech
Congressman Frank Kratovil Addresses the House for the first time. He focuses on the need for bipartisan cooperation.…
Rep. Frank Kratovil Votes to Block Release of Additional $350 Billion in Bailout Funds
Washington, DC � Today, Congressman Frank Kratovil voted to block the release of an additional $350 Billion in bailout funds. …