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110th Congress (2007-2008)


Committee on Energy and Commerce

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Committee on Energy and Commerce pursuant to notice, considered the following Committee Prints approved by the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality on June 21, 2007. The Committee took the following actions:

Committee Print #1, To promote greater energy efficiency, was ordered favorably reported to the House, amended, by a yea-nay vote: 27-18.

The following amendments were offered:

A manager's amendment offered by Mr. Boucher, #1, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Hastert, #2, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 22-27;

An amendment offered by Mr. Wynn, #3, was adopted by a yea-nay vote: 33-23;

An amendment offered by Mr. Barton, #4, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 22-31;

An amendment offered by Mr. Doyle, #5, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mrs. Wilson, #6, was withdrawn;

An amendment offered by Ms. Harman, #7, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Buyer, #8, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 20-30;

An amendment offered by Mr. Rush, #9, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Barrow, #10, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mrs. Wilson, #11, was temporarily withdrawn;

An amendment offered by Mr. Barton, #12, was defeated by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Green, #13, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Pitts, #14, was withdrawn;

An amendment offered by Mr. Weiner, #15, was temporarily withdrawn;

The amendment previously offered by Mrs. Wilson, #11, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 17-28;

The amendment previously offered by Mr. Weiner, #15, as amended by the following unanimous consent request, was adopted by a voice vote;

Mr. Weiner asked unanimous consent that on p. 2, line 17 of his amendment # 15, after "section" insert ", including limitations on the amount of any loan guarantee to ensure distribution to a variety of borrowers". No objection.

An amendment offered by Mr. Barton, #16, was withdrawn;

An amendment offered by Ms. Baldwin, #17, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Waxman, #18, was withdrawn;

An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee, #19, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee, #20, was temporarily withdrawn;

An amendment offered by Ms. Baldwin, #21, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mrs. Wilson, #22, was withdrawn; and

An amendment previously offered by Mr. Inslee, #20, was defeated by a voice vote.

Committee Print #2, To facilitate the transition to a smart electricity grid, was ordered favorably reported to the House, amended, by a voice vote.

The following amendments were offered:

A manager's amendment offered by Mr. Boucher, #1, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Barton, #2, was defeated by a voice vote;

An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee, #3, was withdrawn; and

An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee, #4, was withdrawn.

Committee Print #3, To clarify the amount of loans to be guaranteed under title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, was ordered favorably reported, without amendment, to the House by a voice vote.

The following amendments were offered:

An amendment offered by Mr. Terry, #1, was withdrawn; and

An amendment offered by Mr. Green, #2, was withdrawn.


The Committee adjourned until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 28, 2007, to continue consideration of the pending Committee prints.