Press Letterhead

Representative Miller Statement on AFL-CIO Report on Retail Lobbyists Undermining Port Security

Wednesday, April 5, 2006


WASHINGTON, DC -- Representative George Miller (D-CA) issued the following statement today on a new report from the AFL-CIO that shows how powerful retail industry lobbyists, led by Wal-Mart, have worked in Congress to prevent the passage of tougher port security rules:
"One of the key elements to achieving real security is eliminating security gaps in our nation’s ports. Yet as this new report shows, the Retail Industry Leaders Association and its primary backer, Wal-Mart, are aggressively working behind the scenes to undermine efforts to secure our ports in a bid to boost their own profits even further.

 “RILA is not just working against American interests, it is working against its’ own interests too. Terrorist activity at any one port will shut down ports around the world, and that will be far more expensive for businesses and the economy, than creating a real security system for U.S. ports would be.

“Improving American security should always take precedence over boosting the bottom line.  My Democratic colleagues and I have been saying for years that unsecured ports are one of our greatest vulnerabilities. So has the CIA.  Unless we boost port security, a terrorist cell could smuggle materials into the U.S. to use to build a dirty bomb or, worse, a nuclear device. It’s time for the Republican Congress to put the safety and security of the American people ahead of the narrow interests of its largest campaign contributors.”


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