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Urban Schools are Making Progress, but Need More Help to Keep Improving, says Representative Miller
Statement on New Study from Council of the Great City Schools

Monday, March 28, 2005


WASHINGTON, DC -- Representative George Miller (Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House education committee, issued this statement today on a new report on student achievement in urban school districts released by the Council of the Great City Schools:

“If the Bush Administration hadn’t repeatedly broken its promise to provide sufficient resources and clear guidance for schools to implement the No Child Left Behind Act, urban schools likely would have surpassed even these impressive results.  For schools to keep improving, the Bush Administration will have to start upholding the deal it made with them.”

“Still, this report shows that school reform is possible and sustainable.  Children in urban schools have continued to improve their performance over the last few years thanks to dedicated superintendents, principals, and teachers who have worked hard to meet the goals of the No Child Left Behind law despite the lack of help from Washington.”


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