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DTV Transition

Today, the U.S. House voted against the delay of the long planned digital TV transition.  Today’s bill would have cost a disappointing $650 million.

Democrats are panicked because they think the program that doles out $40 coupons for converter boxes is out of money.  The coupon program is not out of money and people are being moved off the waiting list by the hundreds of thousands.  A delay will only cause more confusion, cost more money, and harm public safety.

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Tagged as: General
Posted 28 Jan 2009

NOW ONLINE: Autumn 2008 District Work Period Resource Kit

  • The Latest Documents on the Economic Rescue Plan
  • House Republicans Score Major Victory on Energy, Continue Push for All-of-the-Above Plan
  • A One-Stop-Shop for Republican Accomplishments, the Democrat Record, Major Issues of the 110th Congress

You can access this resource kit online (in .pdf format) by clicking here.

Tagged as: General
Posted 29 Sep 2008

Democrats Advance Sham Energy Bill TODAY

Democrats are bringing their idea of an ‘energy bill’ to the floor for a vote today. After being kept completely out of the drafting process, House Republicans – and the American people – got their first glimpse at the 290-page bill late last night. Claiming to be a ‘comprehensive’ bill, it instead locks away vast amounts of precious natural resources. Not to mention that it completely overlooks alternative nuclear and coal-to-liquid technologies…all of which CAN be found in the truly comprehensive American Energy Act.

And worse, the Democrats’ latest sham hikes taxes on struggling consumers to fund alternative and renewable energy technologies. House Republicans – like the American people – want to achieve and advance clean energy technologies. In our bill – the American Energy Act – we invest in the fuels of the future through revenues generated from the exploration of American energy and, importantly, WITHOUT RAISING TAXES on working families and small businesses.

Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu has called the Democrats’ bill “dead on arrival” and urged her House Democrat colleagues to vote AGAINST it. It’s painfully apparent that this sham of a bill is just cynical political cover, designed secretly in smoky back rooms without any input from House Republicans – and it has zero chance of actually becoming law.

The bottom line: the American Energy Act is the only truly comprehensive energy bill that will ease the pain at the pump and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. But don’t take our word for it…as The Wall Street Journal put it: “Voters Want Everything on Energy.”

Even though House Democrats will not allow for a fair debate – here’s what a side-by-side comparison of the two plans would look like:

Click here for a high-resolution version.

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 16 Sep 2008

CHART: Comparing the Republican and Democrat Energy Plans

Newly released chart shows the differences between the American Energy Act and the Democrats sham energy bill.

Click here to see the full chart

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 12 Sep 2008

ICYMI: New House Republican Conference Web Video Recaps Historic August Energy Protest

Earlier today, House Republicans released a new video recapping our historic August energy protest.

The video has already been featured on: Red State, Hot Air, Townhall, the New York Daily News, and Washingtonpost.com. The Post notes that “the video got a big round of applause when it was shown this morning at the first post-recess House GOP Conference meeting.

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 09 Sep 2008

ICYMI: Wall Street Journal Calls Out Speaker Pelosi for Lack of “Carbon Education”

Editorial: A Carbon Education
August 26, 2008

Nancy Pelosi recently diluted her opposition to offshore drilling, but we’re beginning to wonder if the House Speaker even knows why she opposed increasing domestic energy supplies in the first place.

Ms. Pelosi appeared Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” where Tom Brokaw gently pointed out that the various Democratic alternative energy ambitions are “not going to happen overnight.” Replied Ms. Pelosi: “You can have a transition with natural gas. That, that is cheap, abundant and clean compared to fossil fuels.” Later, she again said that “I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels,” and that wind, solar, biofuels and “a focus on natural gas, these are the real alternatives.”

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Tagged as: Energy
Posted 26 Aug 2008

Wall Street Journal: “Voters Want Everything on Energy”

WASHINGTON — Voters are crying out for more solar and wind energy — but that doesn’t mean they are opposed to drilling for more oil at the same time, according to a Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll.

The poll’s findings suggest any political advantage Democrats or Republicans hope to get from the national debate over energy policy will depend on how skillfully they package their positions. Democrats have opposed expanded offshore drilling and stressed alternatives to oil. Republicans have called for expanding oil exploration to areas currently off limits. Leaders in both parties have begun scrambling for ground somewhere in the middle, where a big chunk of voters appear to stand.

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Tagged as: Energy
Posted 21 Aug 2008

“Put Up or Shut Up” Time for Pro-Production House Democrats

  • House Republicans are stepping up the pressure on Democrats they believe would support an expansion of domestic oil drilling, sending a letter Wednesday to 22 Democrats who they hope will sign on to the GOP plan to address high gas prices.”
  • “In the letter, House Republican leaders called on the Democrats to join them in asking Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to bring the House back into session to deal with the energy crisis and support the Republican American Energy Act.”
  • “The letter, signed by the entire GOP leadership team, targets several Democrats who have endorsed an expansion of domestic drilling…”
  • “We’ll soon find out whether Democrats have found religion on drilling, or if they’re merely doing an election-year incantation.”

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Tagged as: Energy
Posted 20 Aug 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Friday, August 1

The United States spends over 500 billion dollars annually on energy.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 01 Aug 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Thursday, July 31

Of the 7.7 million households in the United States that use heating oil to heat their homes, 5.3 million households – or  roughly 69 percent – reside in the Northeast region of the country.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 31 Jul 2008

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