Page Program

The House of Representatives Page Program is a great way for young people to learn about the legislative process. It is an exciting, invaluable experience that a student will always remember. Many current Members of Congress began their careers as pages on the House floor.

To qualify as a House page, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a high school junior;
  • Be at least sixteen years of age; and
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Although pages are sponsored by a Member of Congress, they are not employed by any particular Member's office. Instead, pages work as a team on the House floor assisting all Members.

If a page serves during the academic school year, they attend the House of Representatives Page School. There they may continue their eleventh grade studies while at the same time learn about House operations. Pages live in the Page Residence Hall and are supervised by a full-time staff. Pages are paid employees and their room and board fees are deducted from their monthly paycheck.

As there are only limited page positions available, obtaining nominations for the Congressional Page Program is a competitive process. Additionally, nominations are based on the Representative's seniority in the House of Representatives. Since I am a new Member of the Congress, I must wait my turn to nominate a page for the upcoming year. I still encourage high school students that meet the requirements to apply through our office. If I am given the opportunity to nominate a page for the fall term, my office will inform each applicant and send an official nomination packet.

» Read more about the U.S. House of Representative Page Program

If you would like more information on the House of Representatives Page Program or if you have any questions, please contact my office.

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