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Sudan/Darfur Clearinghouse

Majority Leader Hoyer's Report on the Bipartisan CODEL to Sudan

Video of Majority Leader Hoyer Discussing the Bipartisan CODEL to Sudan and the Current Crisis

Photo Albums from the Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Trip to Sudan

Darfur Photo Album
Juba Photo Album
Khartoum Photo Album


Majority Leader Hoyer Leads Congressional Delegation to the United Nations to Discuss Darfur

Hoyer, Feingold Send Letter to President Bush on Darfur

Hoyer Calls on Arab League to Step Up Efforts to Stop Genocide in Darfur: Read release and watch video of Majoriy Leader Hoyer's full statement on the House Floor.

Read more about the Congressional Delegation to Sudan, Egypt, Greece and Germany

From the Washington Post: "Hoyer Leads Visit to Darfur"

From Reuters, 5/9/07: "Lawmakers Warn China of PR 'Disaster' in Darfur"

Get Involved!

Sudan Research, Analysis, and Advocacy:  From Dr. Eric Reeves of Smith College

Learn more about the joint project by the U.S. Holocaust Museum and Google Earth to map the Crisis in Darfur, and see Darfur for yourself.

BBC News: Questions and Answers on the Conflict in Darfur

Human Rights Watch: Crisis in Darfur

International Crisis Group: What needs to be done, and what you can do to help.

Amnesty International: Watch video, listen to audio, and read stories about the conflict.

Enough: The Project to Abolish Genocide: Read about the roots of the crisis, what's happening now, and what can be done.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Learn about humanitarian efforts in Darfur, and view a detailed map of current humanitarian access in Darfur.

IRIN News on Sudan: From the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

ReliefWeb Page on Sudan: Offers updates on the crisis in Sudan and the surrounding nations affected by it.

InterAction's Sudan Page: See a catalog of humanitarian organizations currently working in Darfur, and learn where you can safely donate.

Find out how you can take action from the Save Darfur Coalition