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Congress Pages: 1 | 2
Hoyer throws out pitch Whip Hoyer prepares to throw opening pitch at the Roll Call Congressional baseball game
Whip Hoyer and Democratic Members Whip Hoyer confers with members of the Democratic Caucus
Whip Hoyer and Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) Whip Hoyer and Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) bet on their respective teams during the 2003 NCAA basketball tourney (UTEP lost)
Whip Hoyer helps kick off "New Partnership" Whip Hoyer and House Democrats kick off "New Partnership for America's Future"
Whip Hoyer and Leader Pelosi Whip Hoyer and Leader Pelosi join House Democrats at kickoff event for the "New Partnership with America"
Whip Hoyer on Republican Congress Rep. Emanuel, Rep. Crowley, and Whip Hoyer and a "lame duck" assail the failures of the Republican Congress
Whip Hoyer on failed Republican Congress Whip House and the House Democratic leadership assail the failures of the 108th Republican Congress
Whip Hoyer speaks at a press conference with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (NV), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), and Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI) to highlight Republican abuses of power in Congress. Whip Hoyer speaks at a press conference with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (NV), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), and Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI) to highlight Republican abuses of power in Congress.
Hoyer Speaks out against the Republican Plan to Privatize Social Security Hoyer Speaks out against the Republican Plan to Privatize Social Security
Hoyer and other Democratic leaders discuss the failure of Republicans in the 109th Congress to address issues important to the American people. Hoyer and other Democratic leaders discuss the failure of Congressional Republicans in the 109th Congress to address issues important to the American people.
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