
4/24/08: Dodd Hails Senate Passage of Bill to Protect Americans from Genetic Discrimination

April 24, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, today lauded Senate passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007 (GINA), a bill that will bar health insurance companies from using genetic information to set premiums or determine eligibility and prevent employers from using genetic information in hiring, firing or promotion decisions. Dodd, who has been a cosponsor of GINA since 1997, went to the Senate floor today to call for the bill’s passage.

12/21/07: Dodd Highlights Banking Committee Accomplishments

December 21, 2007

Nearing the end of his first year as Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., highlighted the bipartisan accomplishments of the Committee this year and commended Committee members for producing an extensive list of legislative achievements that strengthen security, expand opportunity, and increase prosperity for all Americans.  Highlights of the Senate Banking Committee’s legislative accomplishments during the 110th Congress include measures which:

12/18/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on House Passage of Senate TRIA Bill

December 18, 2007

“I commend the House for their approval of this measure.  It will help to protect our nation’s workers and businesses from the risk of terrorism and help to ensure that our economy is able to thrive and create jobs.   This is a carefully crafted, strong and balanced bill that the President has said he will sign into law.  I want to thank Senator Shelby, Majority Leader Reid, Republican Leader McConnell, Chairman Frank and others who helped make this day a reality.”

11/16/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Senate Passage of Terrorism Risk Insurance Act Reauthorization

November 16, 2007

“This is a tremendous victory for American workers, businesses, and our national infrastructure.  The threat of terrorism tragically exists.  We need to do everything in our power to protect the long-term security of our people and fortify and strengthen our economy.  This measure will do exactly that by helping to ensure that our  nation is  prepared to deal with future terrorist threats by making insurance available and affordable.  I commend Majority Leader Reid, Ranking Member Shelby, and everyone else who has worked so hard to make this day a reality.  I look forward to continuing to work to enact this critically important legislation into law.”

11/08/07: Senate Banking Chairman Dodd Introduces Bills to Help Lower Costs for Homeowners and Businesses at Risk of Natural Disasters

Measures Would Provide Immediate Relief and Help Families Stay in their Homes

November 8, 2007

Recognizing that immediate assistance is needed for those living near coastal areas who are grappling with skyrocketing property insurance premiums,   Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, today introduced two bills to help American homeowners and businesses lessen the financial strain experienced as a result of natural disasters. 

11/01/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Today’s Senate Vote on CHIP

November 1, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today applauded Senate agreement to end debate on the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), setting the stage for final passage of the bill.

“Plain and simple, passing the Children’s Health Insurance Program will help ensure every child in America has the health care they deserve.  This bill represents the hard work and agreement of a majority of members on both sides of the aisle.  It is a testament to how critical issues like children’s health care can be addressed in a bipartisan manner by a united Congress.  I hope that President Bush will rise above partisan politics and support the efforts of both Democrats and Republicans alike to enact this measure.  The health of millions of children across the country hangs in the balance.”

10/17/07: Chairman Dodd Passes Three Major Bills Out of Committee

October 17, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, today oversaw the passage of three major bills out of the Committee.  The Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007, the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007, and the Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007 all passed with bi-partisan support.

9/19/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on House Passage of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act

September 19, 2007

“I commend Chairman Frank and the House for their efforts.   This is a tremendously important issue, and one that should – and must – be a top priority. We must ensure that our nation is financially prepared and protected from the threat of a future terrorist attack.  A key element of that preparation needs to be protecting American jobs, workers, and businesses to ensure that our economy continues to function.   Our nation’s security and prosperity depend upon it.  I intend to continue to work as Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee to ensure that TRIA’s proven protections are extended.”

8/22/07: Dodd Announces Proposal to Expand State Children’s Health Insurance Program

Sends Letter Urging Conferees to Overturn Unreasonable New Requirements Imposed by Bush Proposal

August 22, 2007

Washington, D.C. – In response to the Bush Administration’s recent announcement of new policies that will make it harder for states to insure children, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today announced that he intends to introduce legislation to strengthen and expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) after Congress reconvenes in the fall.  Dodd’s proposal would allow states to provide health insurance to a greater number of children from poor and working families without waiting for federal government approval.  It would also allow states to expand SCHIP benefits to children between the ages of 19 and 21 and would provide incentive payments to states for successfully enrolling children in SCHIP who fall in the lowest state income brackets.

6/28/07: Dodd, Shays Work to Ensure Coverage for Individuals with Terminal Illnesses

Bill named in honor of Connecticut mother who suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease

June 28, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Representative Christopher Shays (R-CT) today introduced legislation in the Senate and House respectively that would amend the Social Security Act (SSA) to ensure that all individuals suffering from certain terminal diseases are entitled to receive social security disability benefits. Under current law, individuals who contract a covered terminal illness, but have not been part of the workforce for a period of time, do not qualify for social security disability benefits they would otherwise be entitled to. 

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