Kit Bond

U.S. Senator - Missouri

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Bond Salutes Historic Inauguration of President Obama

Senator: Republican or Democrat, we are all Americans

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January 20, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Kit Bond today issued the following statement on today’s historic inauguration where Barack Obama was sworn in as our nation’s 44th President of the United States :






            “Today, freedom-loving people around the world are witnessing democracy in action.  As Americans we take for granted the peaceful transition of one political party to another, but in many lands this transition leads to violence and bloodshed. 





            “Watching our newly elected President and Vice President, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, being sworn in shows our system works and makes me even more grateful for the United States ’ proud path to democracy, human rights, and economic freedom, a path closed off to many around the world.





            “For millions of Americans in our own nation this historic ceremony is much more then democracy in action, but is a fulfillment of a long-awaited dream. 





            “It is only fitting that just yesterday we honored the legacy of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. who sought to deliver equality for all Americans and heal the racial tensions our nation was struggling with. 





            “For many, today’s inauguration of the first African American President of the United States is an achievement of that dream of which Reverend King spoke so poignantly and passionately.





            “While our country has made great progress thanks to visionaries like Reverend King, there are serious challenges ahead. 





            “We can only be successful in tackling the crises facing our nation – the economic and housing crisis and the national security challenges that continue to grow – if we address them head on and if we work together to put partisanship aside and put our communities, our State, and our nation first.





            “In a world where enemies are real – the kind who behead others based on their race or religion – it is important to remember that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans.





            “I look forward to working with our new President of the United States , Barack Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden, as we find common ground to put the people and country first.”







** View Missourians visiting the Senator’s office in Washington, DC talk about this historic inauguration on the Senator’s YouTube site at:


January 2009 News Releases

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