Halvorson Signs on to Bipartisan Amendment to Restrict Governor�s Ability to Distribute Economic Recovery Funds

Halvorson signs on to bipartisan amendment to restrict Governor’s ability to distribute economic recovery funds

Joins members of Illinois delegation in support of ensuring fair distribution of Illinois’ share economic recovery package

On Thursday, Congresswoman Debbie Halvorson announced she had signed on as a co-sponsor of an amendment to limit Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s ability to alter or direct the distribution of economic recovery funds in Illinois.

Halvorson is working with members of Illinois delegation to offer this amendment, including Representatives Kirk, Foster, Shimkus, Roskam, Schock and Biggert.  House and Senate leadership have stated they would like to have an economic recovery bill on President Obama’s desk by mid-February. Although the Governor was recently impeached by the Illinois House of Representatives by a vote of 114 to 1, the Illinois Senate’s proceedings to consider removal of the Governor from office may last until well after the recovery package is signed into law.

The proposed economic recovery package will send billions of dollars directly to state governments for health care, education, and infrastructure spending to stimulate the lagging economy, create jobs and invest in American infrastructure. Public opinion polling has shown such a package has broad public support.

“It’s clear that we can’t trust the Governor with distributing these important funds. The challenges Illinoisans face are enormous. We will create Illinois jobs and improve our roads, bridges, and schools through an economic recovery package. It’s vital these funds are spent in an accountable and proper manner.

We must be certain any economic recovery funds going to Illinois communities will be spent as they are intended, without any unnecessary delay or modification. This amendment will protect Illinois citizens and communities who deserve fair distribution of economic recovery funds as the Congress intends. Once the situation with the Governor is resolved, distribution of Illinois recovery funds will occur in the same manner required for other states according to the proposed legislation.”



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