Women's Health

4/18/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Supreme Court Decision on Partial Birth Abortion Ban

April 18, 2007

“Throughout my career I have believed that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. I am deeply troubled by today’s Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2003, a decision which will needlessly endanger women’s health throughout the country.  I voted against this legislation in 2003 because it did not include an exception to allow this type of medical procedure when a mother’s health is at risk.  In overturning long-standing Supreme Court precedent, today’s decision will create uncertainty throughout the country for women and doctors on what medical procedures are legal, and will undermine their ability to decide what is most appropriate for a patient’s health, free from politics.  While I am disappointed by today’s decision by the Supreme Court, it has renewed my pledge to continue to support a woman’s right to reproductive choice.” 

4/13/07: Connecticut Delegation Requests Supplemental HIV/AIDS Funding for Connecticut Cities

Delegation seeks answers on distribution of Ryan White funding

April 13, 2007

Connecticut’s Congressional delegation today sent a letter to Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell expressing concern about the drastic cuts to Connecticut’s HIV/AIDS funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006.  This year, funding for Hartford and New Haven was drastically cut under the Ryan White Title I funding formula, potentially leaving thousands of people in Connecticut living with HIV/AIDS without the services they need. The letter also asks how the State of Connecticut plans to help mitigate the impact this loss of funding will have on the state’s residents.  

12/01/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on World AIDS Day

December 1, 2006

“AIDS is an unparalleled crisis, a disease that within the next 25 years will become one of the top three causes of death worldwide, along with heart disease and stroke. The global AIDS pandemic threatens to undermine other efforts to bring stability and prosperity to the world.

“Every country around the globe will, in one way or another, feel the devastating impact of this disease; no nation will be spared. In 2006, 39 million people around the world are living with HIV/AIDS and youth ages 15-24 account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide - around 6,000 become infected with HIV every day. Almost 2.8 million people die of AIDS each year, 95 percent of them in the developing world.

6/29/06: Dodd Measure to Educate Mothers, Increase Research About Premature Births Approved by Key Committee

June 28, 2006

WASHINGTON – Senator Chris Dodd’s (D-CT) legislation which would expand research on premature births and improve education for expectant mothers moved one step closer to a vote in the full Senate when it passed through the key Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions today. Senator Dodd introduced the legislation with Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

5/19/06: Dodd Wins Approval for Help for Families Affected by HIV/AIDS

May 19, 2006
Washington – Noting that tragically more than 3,700 children under 13 currently live with HIV and AIDS, Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., successfully helped win committee approval to reauthorize the Ryan White CARE Act.

5/09/06: Senator Dodd Introduces Mother and Child Protection Bill

Bill to Provide Help and Resources to Save Mother’s and Children’s Lives Worldwide

May 9, 2006
Washington – Responding to a new, deeply troubling report by Save the Children estimating that about 2 million babies die within the first 24 hours of life and a total of 4 million die within the first month of life, Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., today introduced legislation to provide a national strategy and resources to address this worldwide crisis. “If these staggering and almost unfathomable numbers were associated with an earthquake or hurricane, they would prompt a worldwide and immediate reaction,” said Dodd. “Each of these numbers represents a child and a life cut short. We can’t simply afford to idly sit by as this death toll climbs. This measure can help ensure that much greater attention and resources are committed to hopefully help alleviate this growing crisis.”

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