Dick Durbin - U.S. Senator from Illinois - Assistant Majoirty Leader
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Today on the Senate Floor
Illinois Projects
A New Direction in Iraq

Supporting Our Veterans and Troops

Affordable, Quality Health Care

Building Illinois' Infrastructure

Stopping Darfur's Genocide


Legislative Agenda

A New Direction in Iraq

As one of 23 Senators who voted against invading Iraq in the first place, I have voted in favor of every proposed timetable to bring this war to a close. At the same time, if my son or daughter were in the situation of our men and women in uniform, I would want them to have everything necessary to stay as safe as possible. I have supported the troops over the course of their deployment, consistently voting for all funding requests for our nation's military needs.

Now, our original military mission in Iraq has long been completed, but our young men and women remain overseas, fighting to provide security in the midst of an Iraqi civil war. Thousands have been killed. More have been injured. Many are coming home, but with serious mental health problems.

At the same time, the crucial fight in Afghanistan continues but with limited resources due to the much larger conflict in Iraq.

We need a new direction.

Durbin's Podcast

Senator Durbin discussed the recent Medicare legislation that prevents a 10% cut in payments to doctors and the President's threatened veto.

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