To obtain help with general health issues contact Vermont's Health Care Ombudsman (HCO). The HCO advocates for individual Vermonters with health care and health insurance issues. They also track and study trends in health care, comment on federal and state health care regulations and recommend needed changes to Vermont's health care policies. All of their information can be found on their website -

If you are looking for information on Medicare or Medicaid Services the following links are particularly helpful:

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) -

    This website will help you coordinate your benefits, provide drug and medical information, and give you contacts specific to your type of coverage. It simplifies the payment systems and explains in detail the Medicare program and what kind of coverage they offer.
  • Office of Vermont Health Care Access (OVHA) -

    The OVHA is the state office responsible for the management of Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program, and other publicly funded health insurance programs in Vermont.