Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Representing Maryland's 8th District
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Constituent Services

Staff members in my district offices will make every effort to assist you in obtaining timely and accurate information from federal agencies. Whether you need assistance, for example, in resolving problems, obtaining your Social Security, Medicare or veterans benefits, or you are seeking an update from the Internal Revenue Service or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, my staff is available to help you.

The first step is for you to send a signed copy of a Privacy Act release form and any supporting documentation by mail or fax to my district office at the address below. This release form gives my staff your permission to discuss your case with the appropriate federal agency. A letter explaining your problem or request is helpful for my staff to gain an understanding of your particular issue; supporting material offers a more complete picture of your situation and can be useful in providing relevant background information.

Once these documents are received by my staff, we will take the appropriate action on your behalf. A member of my staff will contact you if more information is needed or to let you know the steps that have been taken on your behalf. While we cannot guarantee that we will be successful in obtaining a favorable resolution of your case, we will assure you that we will do everything that we can to assist you in a timely and effective manner.

- General Privacy Release Form

- Immigration Privacy Release Form

Please mail your documents to the following address:

Congressman Chris Van Hollen
51 Monroe Street
Suite 507
Rockville, Maryland 20850
FAX: 301-424-5992

Photo, Classring on diploma College Financial Aid - The links on this page can help you determine if you qualify for college financial aid
Photo, Hands shaking College Internships - If you are interested in interning with Representative Van Hollen's office during the coming fall season, please contact the Internship Coordinator in our Rockville office.
Photo, Capital in front of American Flag Federal Agency Problems - Congressman Van Hollen's office can provide information and assistance with other federal agencies not listed above.
Photo, Money stacks Federal Grants - Prepared by the Congressional Research Service for House Members, this page offers multiple resources of information on Federal Grants.
Photo, Statue of Liberty Immigration and Visas - Congressman Van Hollen can help with naturalization applications, immigrant petitions for relatives and adjustment of status applications that are delayed or lost.
Photo, tiles spell out TAXES Internal Revenue Service - Congressman Van Hollen's office can provide information and assistance regarding the Internal Revenue Service.
Photo, American Flag Order a US flag (PDF) - Congressman Van Hollen's office is able to secure, at cost, U.S. flags which can be flown over the U.S. Capitol.
Photo, Passport Passports - If you have an emergency situation and can allow at least 72 hours notice, Congressman Van Hollen's office may be able to provide you with a passport application and help speed the process.
Photo, White House Presidential Greetings - Presidential greetings are available to honor certain birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions.
Photo, Soldier walking at Tomb of Unknown Soldier Service Academy Nominations - Find out more information about Congressman Van Hollen's Service Academy Nomination process, where you may be able to receive an appointment to one of the United States Military Academies.
Photo, Elderly couple Social Security and Medicare - Congressman Van Hollen's office can provide information and assistance regarding Medicare and Social Security.
Photo, Veteran's Memorial Veterans - Congressman Van Hollen can help with your questions on your claims for VA pensions, disability benefits, care in VA hospitals, burial benefits and military records.
Photo, The United States Capital

Visiting Washington DC – Tour of the White House and its requirements for tickets.


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Capitol Hill Office
1707 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5341
Facsimile: (202) 225-0375
Rockville Office
51 Monroe St., Suite 507
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 424-3501
Facsimile: (301) 424-5992
Hyattsville Office
6475 New Hampshire Ave.
Suite C-201
Hyattsville, Maryland 20783
Phone: (301) 891-6982
Facsimile: (301) 891-6985