
To keep the information on my website timely, I generally list only the most recent pieces of information in each section of the site.  However, you may want to go back and review an older news release or statement.  You can do so on this page.  Adjust the parameters below to generate a listing of news releases, statements, legislation, and other types of information that meet your criteria.




Current Congress is: 111
Current session is: 1
Current year is: 2009


Current month is: January


Current day is: 29

Type Of Release



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Displaying 1 - 20 of 22 records

Date Title
Dec 01 2008 Accomplishments of the 110th Congress
Oct 01 2008 Bolstering Our Nation's Economy
Sep 01 2008 Enhancing New Mexico's Role in our Nation's Security
Aug 01 2008 Making College More Affordable
Jul 01 2008 Giving Back to Veterans
Jun 01 2008 Addressing Rising Fuel Costs
May 01 2008 Investing in Rural America
Apr 01 2008 Securing the Border
Mar 01 2008 Protecting Consumers
Feb 01 2008 Stimulating the Economy
Jan 01 2008 Accomplishments and Priorities
Dec 01 2007 Water, Water, Everywhere?
Nov 01 2007 Bush Vetoes Children's Health Care
Sep 01 2007 Newsletter: Nurturing Our Nation's Talent
Aug 01 2007 Newsletter: Congressional Roundup--Making Progress in the 110th Congress
Jul 01 2007 Newsletter: A Step Toward Clean Energy
Jun 01 2007 Newsletter: Working for Veterans
May 01 2007 Keeping America Competitive
Apr 01 2007 Tackling our Nation's Dropout Problem: Preparing Young Americans for Success
Mar 01 2007 On the Road to Energy Independence

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Like any field, policy making uses a vocabulary of specific terms. [MORE]