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Pocket buzzing a lot.
Holy Toledo, the carpet is burned under the surge protector. That was the flash I saw groggily. This could have been so much worse.
Like motorcycle helmets, surge protectors can do their job only once. Time to send a claim to PG&E. Home-made enchilada time.
So, the entire neighborhood suffered a power spike after the hit-and-run into a power pole on Park Blvd. Sounds like there was an explosion.
Still cleaning up broken graphs. Waiting on a twice-weekly mid-day meeting during which all deploy works grinds to a halt.
Awakened four times by disk pages. Power outage. Trouble finding the tripped breaker when it was restored. Otherwise everything is great.
Customary fifteen second conversation with the bus driver pertained to "rubber-neckers" and "lollygaggers".
Surprise visit from @sunild at the office. Short break, V8 and Diet Coke.
I know I am behind the curve when I cannot get started on things needing to be done because I am discussing more things to add to the list.
Busy day. Quiet office.
Good news: these pages don't really mean trouble. Bad news: these pages. Coffee.
What room is there in the web/tubes *pedia world for an autodidact? I would not know, not being one. The 20th century thinkers were amazing.
More and more convinced I must write a script that reads minds and fixes unintended omissions. And then I know that a system will implode.
Bandaging bandages.
To random: saying "I'm sorry you're having a bad day" to the ticket vendor meant something very different and didn't sound righteous at all.
I am on the bus and just got a page about a full disk.
Thank you, front-end, for the wake-up call. Going for a chilly walk. My tests failed.
500 badnesses. The rake may need using. Bummer.
Nelson seems to have fixed something on his side.
They're just lists, ganglia. With a standard log format, all that is needed is a fairly fast data store. Maybe the filesystem in RAM, ext4.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams Krissy Bush Alissa Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mdy Alex Payne Britt Selvitelle Jay Zed Evan Twitter Mark Hegge John Adams Larry Magid TEH CHANGELOG Maggie Utgoff Hammer robey Nick Kallen Abdur Chowdhury Matt Sanford Eric Jensen Kevin Thau Greg Pass George emee Sunil Davé Betty Winnacker tempdisplaced miekow