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Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Committee ScheduleWhat's NewAbout the CommitteeNewsLegislationHearing ArchivesPublicationsSubcommitteesLinksContact

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Special Features
Special Features
Internship Opportunities
Committee on Ways and Means Internship Opportunities
  SSA Proposal to Restrict Appeal Rights for People with Disabilities

Fact Sheet on SSA Regulation to Sharply Restrict Appeal Rights for Disability Claimants

Letter Commenting on the Regulation from Chairman Rangel and 10 other House Committee or Subcommittee Chairs

Press Release on Letter Commenting on SSA Regulation

Letter from Chief Actuary of Social Security Estimating $2.0 Billion Benefit Loss

Copy of SSA’s Proposed Regulation to Restrict Appeal Rights

Additional Resources

Committee ScheduleWhat's NewAbout the CommitteeNewsLegislationHearing ArchivesPublicationsSubcommitteesLinksContact
Committee on Ways & Means
U.S. House of Representatives | 1102 Longworth House Office Building | Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3625 | Fax: (202) 225-2610
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