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Durbin and Bipartisan Group of Senators Ask Energy Secretary to Release Record of Decision

Thursday, January 29, 2009

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) led a bipartisan group of Senators in calling on the Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE), Dr. Steven Chu, to release the Record of Decision – a final public decision that certifies the project meets environmental requirements – for FutureGen. Releasing the Record of Decision is the first step toward putting the FutureGen project back on track to move forward under the Obama Administration. Members signing on to today’s letter include Senators Kit Bond (R-MO),Roland Burris (D-IL), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and George Voinovich (R-OH).

“FutureGen is our country’s best hope for building and operating a near-zero-emission, coal-fired power plant,” the Senators wrote. “The Department can indicate its intention to move forward with the project by quickly releasing the Record of Decision. Once you take this step, the Department can move quickly to negotiate a final contract with the FutureGen Alliance so that the project can move toward construction. We look forward to your leadership on this and other significant matters at the Department of Energy.”

In November 2007, the DOE announced the completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, and just over a month later, the FutureGen Alliance announced its final selection of Mattoon, Illinois as the location for the construction of the FutureGen project as required under the cooperative agreement with the DOE.

Even though the site selection had been completed and the 30-day public comment period for the Environmental Impact Statement had ended, the Department of Energy failed to issue a Record of Decision. In January of 2008, the Bush Administration abandoned the FutureGen program. Over the last year, Durbin along with members of the Senate and members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation have pursued several legislative options in order to keep the project alive.

Text of the letter appears below:

January 29, 2009

The Honorable Steven Chu

United States Department of Energy
Forrestal Building, Room 7B138
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-0800

Dear Mr. Secretary:

Congratulations on your new position as Secretary of Energy. We look forward to working with you on many important issues in the coming years. Today we are writing to reiterate our strong support for the FutureGen program and to urge you to quickly release the final Record of Decision.

FutureGen is our country’s best hope for building and operating a near-zero-emission, coal-fired power plant. Unfortunately, after five years of progress, the Bush Administration failed to move forward with this critical program. We look forward to working with you and the new Administration to see this initiative become a reality.

The Department of Energy announced on November 9, 2007, the completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, and acknowledged that the FutureGen Alliance, as required under the cooperative agreement with the Department, would make its final site selection before the end of the year.

Then on December 18, 2007, the FutureGen Alliance announced its final selection of Mattoon, Illinois, as the location for the construction of the FutureGen project - - pronouncing the Mattoon proposal “exceptional” and underscoring the highest forms of teamwork and community support.

We were pleased when this independent council of renowned experts carefully assessed the science and strengths of Mattoon, Illinois, and favorably affirmed the commitment of state and local resources that were assembled in response to clear federal expectations announced over five years ago. Unfortunately, in January of 2008, the Bush Administration abandoned the FutureGen program.

The Department can indicate its intention to move forward with the project by quickly releasing the Record of Decision. Once you take this step, the Department can move quickly to negotiate a final contract with the FutureGen Alliance so that the project can move toward construction. We look forward to your leadership on this and other significant matters at the Department of Energy.


Dick Durbin
U.S. Senator

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