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Durbin Asks for Meeting with Secretary of Defense to Discuss a New Flying Mission for 183rd

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today continued his effort to find a new flying mission for the National Guard’s 183rd Fighter Wing by requesting a meeting with Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, to discuss Durbin’s previous request that newly acquired MC-12 aircraft be located in Springfield.  Additionally, Durbin also sent a letter asking for the Secretary of Defense to work with the Air Force to consider a MC-12 mission for Springfield (text of the letter is below).

The Illinois Air National Guard has the ability to successfully execute the MC-12 mission,” wrote Durbin.  “There is no doubt that the aircraft will be deployed regularly while American forces are engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Upon return of the aircraft to domestic use, the Illinois Air National Guard will be able to use the aircraft’s capabilities to further its homeland defense and disaster relief efforts.”

In October, Durbin and then-Senator Obama learned that the Air Force was planning to acquire a number of RC-12 aircraft to support intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance efforts, but had not determined where the aircraft would be based.  The Air Force is currently reviewing basing decisions and may finalize a location as early as mid-March.  The RC-12 aircraft has had its designation changed to MC-12.

Text of the letter appears below:

January 27, 2009

The Honorable Robert Gates
Secretary, U.S. Department of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301

Dear Secretary Gates:

I write to bring to your attention a request to assign Air Force MC-12 aircraft to the Illinois Air National Guard’s 183rd Flying Wing in Springfield.

Under your leadership, the Air Force has expanded its acquisition of platforms to provide the kind of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance needed in current and future combat operations.  The service plans to deploy 37 MC-12 aircraft this April on a six-month deployment schedule.

Last October, then-Senator Obama and I asked the Air Force to consider assigning MC-12 aircraft to the 183rd Flying Wing in Springfield.  The Air Force responded that no decisions were yet being made, although all other indicators suggest a decision will be finalized by mid-March.

The 183rd Flying Wing in Springfield lost its fleet of F-16 planes last October as the result of the 2005 base closure and realignment process.  Although the aircraft have left, the Wing retains the trained personnel and infrastructure needed to support a new flying mission.

The Illinois Air National Guard has the ability to successfully execute the MC-12 mission.  There is no doubt that the aircraft will be deployed regularly while American forces are engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Upon return of the aircraft to domestic use, the Illinois Air National Guard will be able to use the aircraft’s capabilities to further its homeland defense and disaster relief efforts.  These capabilities already have been used successfully in other National Guard domestic missions.

Thank you for working with the Air Force to consider the MC-12 mission for the 183rd Flying Wing in Springfield.


Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator

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