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Now that I'm standing out here waiting for the bus, I wonder if the busses are running?
Wow, today is my first every college snow day. Time to try to catch up on a few things!
Impressed by the Bloomington Transit bus drivers, it cannot be easy to drive a bus in this snow!
Sleepy time. Lots left to do, but at least I made a little progress today. Night twitterverse.
@moswald okay so I should proof read when twittering from my phone. Balmy was the word I was looking for, balmy.
The weather in Bloomington is down right blmt after last week. Time to pump up the tires on my bicycle.
hm. Bus picked me up, made the next few stops, looped back to the earlier stops and we're now 15 minutes off schedule, where we left off.
Wondering where this bus is going, and when I'll actualt reach my destination.
Is it me or does Cheney in a wheelchair with an old fashion hat vaguely resemble Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life.
Shower just before leaving the house + freezing + 15 minute walk to busstop = frozen hair and beard-cicles
@moswald True, but if I write code using unixisms, it'll run everywhere except windows already and cygwin is a viable cheat to get windows
There is just something wrong with checking the weather and finding the temp is -8F. -8F brr. Wish I didn't have to leave the house.
@jack and yet jokes at the expense of mathematicians often are... at least to those of us who are a little nerdy ;)
Nice, if chilly day in B-town. Getting excited for the semester to start, already too much to do!
Writing a tiny compiler.
When it snows in Connecticut, it snows like crazy.
Standing in a pizza place that has no power watching the chefs do what they do best with the still running pizza ovens.
Time to make sugar cookie dough, so that we'll have some cookies to decorate on Christmas Eve.


Jack Dorsey Dan Alex Rainert hircus Manlio Lo Conte John Gruber Amy Jane Gruber Kevin Kearney Mark Bell Intellagirl Kevin Makice Amy Makice Superkb nan Ruby on Rails Warren Ellis micah craig Jonathan Branam Chris Eller Robb Smylie Indiana SOI moswald _monkey therealcaro jpotenzo rustbucket11 Joshua Rothhaas 140 37signals bill keep mikebowser Breaking News valkyrie savage Stephen Koch integralRich ccortez Kyle D.P. Ross