Congressman Barney Frank
Representing Massachusetts' 4th District

News Release from Barney Frank

Congressman, 4th District, Massachusetts
2252 Rayburn Building · Washington, D.C. 20515 · (202) 225-5931
October 22, 2008

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         CONTACT:  Peter Kovar 202-225-9400
                                                           Garth Patterson 508-822-4796


    Congressman Barney Frank today praised the announcement that $5.1 billion in additional Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding, which he and other Members of Congress helped pass recently in Congress, has been released by the Bush Administration.  Frank and 94 of his colleagues had signed a letter on September 22nd to House leaders urging the inclusion of the additional funds in the recently approved Continuing Resolution, an appropriations bill that funds most federal agencies from October 2008 through March 2009. 

    "I am pleased that we were able to increase this vital assistance for the people who are most vulnerable to increased fuel costs," Frank said.  "As a result of this action, thousands of less well off people in our area, including the elderly, disabled and children, will be given an important helping hand.  This money should provide some level of comfort to those families who are facing economic difficulties as winter approaches.  I am also grateful to the many agencies who work tirelessly to disburse these funds year after year.  Without their outreach and advocacy, many people would be without heat during the winter months.”

    LIHEAP provides fuel assistance to seniors, working families and others who are in need throughout the country.  In addition, LIHEAP makes funding available for the Heating Energy Assistance Retrofit Task Weatherization Assistance Program (HEARTWAP).  This program allows for boiler replacement and repairs for inefficient or inoperable heating systems.   Under the terms of the recently enacted spending law the number of households eligible for this important aid may increase by up to 2 million nationwide. 

Click here to view the LIHEAP letter signed by Frank and his colleagues.
