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Thursday, January 29, 2009
FAQ Tab PDF Print


How do we connect to Live Webcasts?

To link to a Live Webcast click the link to that hearing room's Webcast on the "Webcasts" button on the right-side of the home page.  The Webcast will generally begin 10 minutes prior to the start of the hearing or markup.  Webcasts of proceedings held in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building will be audio and video. Webcasts of proceedings held in room 2322 Rayburn House Office Building will be audio only, due to technical reasons.  Windows Media Player is required to view all Committee video and audio Web casts. 

Are Webcasts of hearings and markups archived?

Yes, we do archive the Webcasts of hearings and markups. They are posted to our Web site generally on the day the meeting concludes.  You can find them on the respective hearing or markup pages. 

Are there rules of use for the Archived Webcasts of hearings and markups?

Yes, the use of Webcasts of Committee proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the rules of the House of Representatives.  (Rule XI, 4 of the House of Representatives. See text of Rule XI, 4 as posted by the House Committee on Rules.). 

Where can I find the Committee's Schedule?

You can connect to the Committee's schedule by clicking on the "Schedule" button on the home page top navigation bar. 

Where can I find Witness lists and Witness testimony?

Witness lists are posted to our Web site on the Schedule page prior to the hearing.  When the hearing has completed, the witness lists will move to the respective hearing page.  Witness testimony is posted once it has been delivered live by the witness before the Members of the Subcommittee or Full Committee.  Once the testimony is considered public, then it is posted to the Hearings page dedicated to that particular hearing.

How can I find the status of legislation?

Thomas Legislation on the Internet is a useful tool in researching the status of House bills and resolutions.  A link to search bills in Thomas is located at the bottom of each page on our Web site.  We will post Selected Legislation on our Web site in order to provide information on legislation that the Committee has under consideration.

Do you have an e-mail alert system for changes on the schedule, as well as newly-released press materials?

Yes, we provide this service for schedule updates. You can signup for this service on the Subscribe tab on the Home page. Press lists are maintained by the Committee's press office. Members of the media can subscribe under the "Media Only" subscribe tab or contact the press office at 202-225-2927.

Where do I find letters, statements, and news releases?

You can find letters that the Committee has released on the Correspondence page.  Statements and News Releases can be found in the Newsroom. 

Where can I find links to Printed Hearings, Compilation of Laws, Legislative Reports, Committee Rules, and Committee Oversight Plan?

These items are all available on the Publications page. 


Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2927