Issue Statements - Global War on Terrorism

Global War on Terrorism

Securing America's Freedom, Homeland, and Borders

We need to strengthen our ports and borders, complete the mission in Iraq, and hunt down radical Islamic terrorists around the world.


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  • 01.09.09

    Senator Saxby Chambliss Underscores Support for Israel

    Senator(s): Saxby Chambliss

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  • 12.11.08

    Senator Coleman Probes Threat of Weapons of Mass Destrucion at Senate Hearing

    Senator(s): Norm Coleman

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  • 04.09.08

    Senator Orrin Hatch Floor Speech on the Iraq Surge

    Senator(s): Orrin Hatch

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Americans Want: Strong National Security
Americans Want: Strong National Security
Americans Want: Strong National SecurityGetAway card MemDay 08RepubFilibuster 3RepubFilibuster2MultiIssue TICKER 2chtUpdating our commitment to those who serveIraqWar%GDP2IraqWar%GDP2IraqWar%GDPDespite War Costs, Defense Spending Falls Below Historical AverageIraqi Reconstruction Financing Steadily Increasing Defense BudgetA Challenge to Define a GenerationMoveOn quoteDurbin QuotePetraeus UnanimousDenounce MoveOn2Denounce MoveOnEmanuel QuoteClyburn Quote
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Latest Clips

  • 12.11.08

    Coleman Probes Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction at Senate Hearing

    Senator(s): Norm Coleman

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  • 12.11.08

    Collins Hearing an Expart From Commission on the Prevention of WMD

    Senator(s): Susan Collins

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  • 07.09.08

    McConnell-A Bipartisan Solution to Our Intelligence Problem’

    Senator(s): Mitch McConnell

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