Issue Statements - Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina


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  • 12.07.06

    Senator Trent Lott Press Conference on Katrina Cars


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  • 12.06.06

    Senator Susan Collins at Hurricane Katrina Hearing and Comments on Iraq Study Group

    Senator(s): Susan Collins

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  • 03.10.06

    Senator John Cornyn comments on East Texas hurricane funding and jobs and the economy

    Senator(s): John Cornyn

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Ownership Agenda
Ownership Agenda
Ownership AgendaSenate Anti-Poverty AgendaAugust 2006 packet BAugust 2006 packet AAugust 2006 packet C1millionbarresloil ANWRHurricane Related SpendingCost of Response to EmergenciesWorking for North Carolina - 2005 AccomplishmentsAccomplishments of the 109th CongressMid Session 109th Two AgendasColumbus Day RecessColumbus Day 05 Recess 2Hurricane Relief pocketcard for recess packetJobs, Economy, Energy PocketcardChafee Emergencia flyerHurricane Relief Pocketcard 09/27/05
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Latest Clips

  • 04.27.06

    Sen. Collins releases Katrina findings and recommendations

    Senator(s): Susan Collins

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  • 03.08.06

    Hurricane Katrine Hearing

    Senator(s): Susan Collins

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  • 03.07.06

    Sen. Cochran chairs an Appropriations Committee hearing regarding emergency supplemental funding for hurricane recovery

    Senator(s): Thad Cochran

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