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January 22, 2009: Press Release: Olson Becomes Original Co-Sponsor of Abortion Provider Prohibition Act
Olson Becomes Original Co-Sponsor of Abortion Provider Prohibition ActWashington, DC - Keeping a promise to fight to eliminate federal funding for abortion providers, today Representative Pete Olson signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act.  This legislation would prevent organizations such as Planned Parenthood... …More

Press Releases

January 21, 2009: 
Press Release: Olson Becomes Top Republican for Space, NASA
Olson Becomes Top Republican for Space, NASAWashington, DC- The House Committee on Science and Technology confirmed today that Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) has been named... …More
January 21, 2009: 
Press Statement: Olson Statement on the Inauguration of President Barack Obama
Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Pete Olson, along with millions of his fellow Americans, witnessed the swearing in of our 44th President of the United... …More
January 19, 2009: 
Press Statement: Olson Statement on Ramos and Compean
Washington, DC �Congressman Pete Olson�s Office released the following statement regarding President Bush�s commuting the prison sentences of U.S. Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.  …More

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Press Release: Olson Placed on Three Top Committees
Washington, DC- In a rare honor for a freshman member of the House of Representatives, Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22) today was appointed to three important committees: the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, the Committee on Science and Technology, and the Committee on Homeland Security...…
Press Statement: Olson Calls for Public Input Creating Congressional Website
�Communication is a two-way street. Having a website that not only informs constituents, but also lets them inform me of what they need or find important is pivotal. Whether it is to voice opposition or support of a bill to scheduling a tour while in Washington, DC...…

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