Follow Congressman Sestak on Twitter

January 19, 2009

Congressman Joe Sestak is now on Twitter. You can receive updates on the Congressman's daily events as well as links to information about legislation, YouTube clips and photographs from around the District. Sign up at

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December E-Newsletter: Highlights from the past month in Washington and around the 7th District

With important debates ongoing about our domestic auto industry as well as proposals for an economic stimulus package, and November’s job losses affecting a staggering 533,000 American workers, Congressman Sestak remained focused on his constituents’ concerns about the economy. The Congressman strongly supported action to assist U.S. automobile companies and brought together people in his District impacted by their struggles. Furthermore, he engaged people in the region about the overall economy’s effect on specific industries and, above all, maintained his emphasis on the need for transparency and accountability in all government actions. In addition, his efforts helped bring about a fair settlement for the hundreds of thousands aggrieved in a bank fraud case. At home, the Congressman continued to travel to various facilities and events to ensure accessibility to his constituents and engage regional leaders about improved care for Veterans. Read more ...


Education and the Economy Summit

Due to the popularity of the February 2 Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District’s Education and the Economy Summit, we can no longer take reservations for the event. We are working on taping the event for later viewing from the website.