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  • Thank you for taking the time to visit this website. I am honored to represent the people of the Second Congressional District of South Carolina.

    As U.S. troops protect American families in the Global War on Terrorism, I am dedicated to supporting policies that continue to strengthen our nation. By visiting this website, you will be able to stay informed on the latest news and legislation affecting our community. Additionally, this site contains information about our congressional district, upcoming events, Washington, and much more.

    If you are new to the district, I encourage you to take a look at the many constituent services provided through my office as well as visit our email sign-up site and fill out my 2008 Online Survey to share with me what issues are most important to you.  If I can be of any assistance to you, please let me know.




  • Wilson Statement on Democrat Spending Package
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement today after the House of Representatives passed a nearly $1 trillion spending package. Congressman Wilson offered an amendment to the bill that would have stripped out wasteful spending while maintaining funding for military construction, maintenance of our Veterans facilities, homeland security, construction and maintenance of roads and bridges, as well as tax relief for millions of American families and small businesses. The majority refused to consider Congressman Wilson’s amendment on the Floor of the House of Representatives.
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  • Wilson Statement on Armed Services Hearing with Secretary Gates
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement today after Secretary of Defense Robert Gates spoke at a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee.
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  • Wilson Statement on House Republican Conference Meeting with President Obama
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement today after the House Republican Conference met with President Barack Obama to discuss the economic stimulus package.
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  • Wilson: “Our focus should be on growing the American economy.”
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) delivered the following remarks on the floor of the House of Representatives today.
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  • Wilson Statement on Guantanamo Executive Order
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s Executive Order calling for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention facility. Congressman Wilson is a member of the House Armed Services Committee.
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  • Wilson Statement on Conflict in Gaza
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement in response to the ongoing situation in Gaza.
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  • Wilson Opposes Taxpayer Funded Bailout of Automakers
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement today after the House of Representatives voted to pass a $14 billion bailout package for American automakers.
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  • Wilson Applauds Teacher Achievement
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02), a member of the House Committee on Education and Labor, issued the following statement today after the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced that 176 teachers from the Second Congressional District of South Carolina recently earned National Board Certification. This is the highest number of newly certified teachers in any congressional district in the country.
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  • Wilson Statement on Approval of US-Iraqi Security Agreement
    WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement after Iraq’s presidency council ratified the Strategic Framework Agreement and Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and Iraq.
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