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Washington, D.C. 20515
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7895 Broadway, Suite A
Merrillville, IN 46410
phone: (219) 795-1844
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NIPSOC Field Hearing Details
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Information About the Digital TV Transition
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Constituent Services

Cutting Through Red Tape

The federal government is immense.  When dealing with its many departments and agencies, you may feel caught in a bureaucratic nightmare.  My Merrillville office is here to help.  While I cannot require federal officials to decide matters in your favor, I can insist that all rules are followed to ensure that your request receives serious consideration.  Some of the most common problems arise from: Social Security and Medicare benefits; Immigration and Naturalization Services; the Armed Services; Veterans' Services and Benefits; Welfare and Social Services; and Regulatory Agencies.

Document icon Print out a Constituent Fact Sheet to Get Your Casework Started

If you need help with these matters or if you have a concern with another part of the federal government, please do not hesitate to contact my Merrillville office. You can either send me your concerns in writing or you can request a "Fact Sheet" by calling my Merrillville office. Once your letter or "Fact Sheet" is filed, I will work diligently to ensure that your concerns are addressed in a prompt and satisfactory manner.


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