For Immediate Release: July 31, 2008

Sutton Helps Pass Higher Education Opportunity Act

Legislation is the first reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in 10 years Through House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, with Congresswoman Betty Sutton's (D-OH) strong support, the House of Representatives passed the conference report for the Higher Education Opportunity Act by a margin of 380 to 49. Rep. Sutton managed the rule which led to the passage of the bill through the House in February. The Congresswoman gave the following statement on the House floor:

"Our nation is blessed to have the finest system of higher education in the world.

I am proud that my district is the home of the University of Akron and Lorain County Community College. UA boasts one of the top science and engineering programs in the nation and Lorain County Community College is a leader in education and entrepreneurial and economic development across Northeast Ohio.

The Higher Education Act was first signed into law in 1965 to help students from low-income families afford a college education. Unfortunately, in the 10 years since the Higher Education Act was last reauthorized, the dream of a college degree has moved further out of reach for far too many of our nation's students.

Overall the United States is 3rd out of 30 industrialized nations in post secondary degree attainment, but only 9th out of 30 when looking at younger workers. This is an ominous trend that we must act swiftly to address.

With the cost of tuition and textbooks skyrocketing we have taken action to make college more affordable. Last year we passed legislation that increased college financial aid by $18 billion and cut student loan interest rates.

With this bill we are raising the bar even higher in fighting for access to higher education by increasing the maximum Pell Grant level from $5,800 per year to $8,000 by 2014. This bill also provides for improved teacher training and development programs. It provides loan forgiveness for students who choose public sector careers, and creates a new scholarship program for active duty military personnel and their family members.

From coast to coast and throughout the heartland, this great nation is filled with bright and enthusiastic students seeking to take advantage of any opportunity we can give them for a more prosperous future.

This bill makes critical investments in our students to strengthen our workforce for the future of our country.

I urge my collages to support this rule and this incredibly important bill."

Click here to view the Congresswoman's floor statement

The Higher Education Opportunity Act will:

· Make textbook costs more manageable for students by, among other things, helping them plan for textbook expenses in advance of each semester;

· Allow students to receive year-round Pell Grant scholarships;

· Strengthen college readiness and support programs for minority and low-income students;

· Increase college aid and support programs for veterans and military families;

· Improve safety on college campuses and help schools recover and rebuild after a disaster;

· Ensure equal college opportunities and fair learning environments for students with disabilities; and

· Strengthen our nation's workforce and economic competitiveness by boosting science, technology, and foreign language educational opportunities.

Contact: Erin Donar at 202-225-3401 or