For Immediate Release: March 14, 2007

Rep. Sutton Inspired by Governor's Address

Washington, D.C. - Today U.S. Congresswoman Betty Sutton released the following statement in response to Governor Strickland's State of the State Address:

"It inspires me that we have a Governor who understands the challenges and opportunities that we have in Ohio. Governor Strickland's speech demonstrates he understands the needs of everyday Ohioans; the need for our children and seniors to have health insurance, the need to invest in education, and the need to maintain and create new jobs through investment in critical areas.

"The Governor laid forth ideas that unite Ohioans in a common purpose for the common good. We heard real proposals on job creation, economic development, health care, and education-from early childhood and throughout life-that can carry us through the 21st century.

"We heard his commitment to fiscal discipline, innovative initiatives, and opportunities for real progress for the people in Northeast Ohio and throughout all of our great state. I look forward to working with Governor Strickland to provide Ohioans with what they deserve-a responsible and accountable government that listens and responds to their needs."

Contact: Linden Zakula at 202-225-3401 or