For Immediate Release: March 6, 2008

Sutton Announces Summit County Grant Awardees

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Betty Sutton announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) have awarded grants to Summit County recipients.

The USDA awarded a $743,904 Rural Development grant to the University of Akron to address research and development of biomass based products, bioenergy, biofuels and related processes.

HUD granted a $500,000 Resident Opportunities for Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Public Housing Family and Homeownership Program (RFH) award to the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority. The Family and Homeownership Program is granted to organizations supported by residents for the purpose of hiring a qualified Project Coordinator to run the grant program and for the delivery and coordination of supportive services and other activities that facilitate residents' capacity to achieve economic and housing self-sufficiency.

In addition, HUD also granted a $374,207 ROSS Resident Service Delivery Models-Elderly and Persons with Disabilities (RSE) award to Community Support Services Inc. The ROSS-Elderly program provides funding to organizations with the resources to provide and coordinate supportive services that will help elderly and/or disabled Public Housing residents continue to live independently.

"I am delighted to announce this funding from the USDA and HUD," Sutton said. "As the Representative of the 13th Congressional of Ohio, I am pleased to assist our local organizations in obtaining grants that enrich our community."

Contact: Shannon O'Brien at 202-225-3401